/tg/ Station 13 - Modules - TypesDefine Details


BRUTEPhysical fracturing and warping of the material.
BURNScorching and charring of the material.
TOXPoisoning. Mostly caused by reagents.
STAMINAExhaustion and nonlethal damage.
BRAINBrain damage. Should probably be decommissioned and replaced with proper organ damage.
ACIDInvolves corrosive substances.
BIOInvolved in checking whether a disease can infect or spread. Also involved in xeno neurotoxin.
BOMBInvolves a shockwave, usually from an explosion.
BULLETInvolves a solid projectile.
CONSUMEInvolves being eaten
ENERGYInvolves an EMP or energy-based projectile.
FIREInvolves fire or temperature extremes.
LASERInvolves a laser.
MELEEInvolves a melee attack or a thrown object.
WOUNDInvolved in checking the likelihood of applying a wound to a mob.
ARMOR_LIST_DAMAGEArmor values that are used for damage
ARMOR_LIST_DURABILITYArmor values that are used for durability
ARMOR_LIST_ALLAll armors, preferable in the order as seen above
CANSTUNIf set, this mob can be stunned.
CANKNOCKDOWNIf set, this mob can be knocked down (or stamcrit)
CANUNCONSCIOUSIf set, this mob can be knocked unconscious via status effect. NOTE, does not mean immune to sleep. Unconscious and sleep are two different things. NOTE, does not relate to the unconscious stat either. Only the status effect.
CANPUSHIf set, this mob can be grabbed or pushed when bumped into
GODMODEMob godmode. Prevents most statuses and damage from being taken, but is more often than not a crapshoot. Use with caution.
MELEE_ATTACKAttack was made with a melee weapon
UNARMED_ATTACKAttack is a punch or kick. Mob attacks are not classified as unarmed (currently).
PROJECTILE_ATTACKA projectile is hitting us.
THROWN_PROJECTILE_ATTACKA thrown item is hitting us.
LEAP_ATTACKWe're being tackled or leaped at.
GET_ASSAILANTUsed in check block to get what mob is attacking the blocker.
EMBED_THROWSPEED_THRESHOLDThe minimum value of an item's throw_speed for it to embed (Unless it has embedded_ignore_throwspeed_threshold set to 1)
EMBED_CHANCE_SPEED_BONUSFor thrown embedding weapons, every extra speed it's thrown at above its normal throwspeed will add this to the embed chance
BOLT_TYPE_STANDARDGun has a bolt, it stays closed while not cycling. The gun must be racked to have a bullet chambered when a mag is inserted. Example: c20, shotguns, m90
BOLT_TYPE_OPENGun has a bolt, it is open when ready to fire. The gun can never have a chambered bullet with no magazine, but the bolt stays ready when a mag is removed. Example: Tomson, Uzi, the L6 SAW
BOLT_TYPE_NO_BOLTGun has no moving bolt mechanism, it cannot be racked. Also dumps the entire contents when emptied instead of a magazine. Example: Break action shotguns, revolvers
BOLT_TYPE_LOCKINGGun has a bolt, it locks back when empty. It can be released to chamber a round if a magazine is in. Example: Pistols with a slide lock, some SMGs
SAWN_OFF_ACC_PENALTYaccuracy penalty of sawn off guns
SAWN_OFF_RECOILadded recoil of sawn off guns
AMMO_BOX_ONE_SPRITEammo box will always use provided icon state
AMMO_BOX_PER_BULLETammo box will have a different state for each bullet; <icon_state>-
AMMO_BOX_FULL_EMPTYAmmo box will have a different sprite for any ammo at all, and no ammo, <icon_state>-full <icon_state>-empty
SUPPRESSED_QUIETstandard suppressed
EXPLODE_GIB_THRESHOLDex_act() with EXPLODE_DEVASTATE severity will gib mobs with less than this much bomb armor
CARBON_MAX_IMPACT_SPEED_BONUSIf a carbon is thrown at a speed faster than normal and impacts something solid, they take extra damage for every extra speed up to this number (see [/mob/living/carbon/proc/throw_impact])
SECONDARY_ATTACK_CALL_NORMALAlternate attack defines. Return these at the end of procs like afterattack_secondary. Calls the normal attack proc. For example, if returned in afterattack_secondary, will call afterattack. Will continue the chain depending on the return value of the non-alternate proc, like with normal attacks.
SECONDARY_ATTACK_CANCEL_ATTACK_CHAINCancels the attack chain entirely.
SECONDARY_ATTACK_CONTINUE_CHAINProceed with the attack chain, but don't call the normal methods.
AUTOFIRE_STAT_IDLECompatible firemode is in the gun. Wait until it's held in the user hands.
AUTOFIRE_STAT_ALERTGun is active and in the user hands. Wait until user does a valid click.
MARTIAL_ATTACK_INVALIDMartial arts attack requested but is not available, allow a check for a regular attack.
MARTIAL_ATTACK_FAILMartial arts attack happened but failed, do not allow a check for a regular attack.
MARTIAL_ATTACK_SUCCESSMartial arts attack happened and succeeded, do not allow a check for a regular attack.
ARMOR_WEAKENED_MULTIPLIERIF an object is weak against armor, this is the value that any present armor is multiplied by
ARMOR_MAX_BLOCKArmor can't block more than this as a percentage
PENETRATE_ARMOURCalculates the new armour value after armour penetration. Can return negative values, and those must be caught.
BATON_DO_NORMAL_ATTACKReturn values used in item/melee/baton/baton_attack. Does a normal item attack.
BATON_ATTACK_DONEThe attack has been stopped. Either because the user was clumsy or the attack was blocked.
BATON_ATTACKINGThe baton attack is still going. baton_effect() is called.
COMBO_STEPSSteps for the combo
COMBO_PROCThe proc the combo calls
SHOVE_CAN_MOVEChecks If the target can be moved at all by shoving them
SHOVE_CAN_HIT_SOMETHINGIf the target can be shoved into something something with perhaps special interactions.
SHOVE_KNOCKDOWN_BLOCKEDKeeps knockdowns at bay for the target
SHOVE_CAN_KICK_SIDEIf the target can be briefly paralized by shoving them once again after knocking them down.
SHOVE_CAN_STAGGERWhether the staggered status effect can be applied on the target
SHOVE_BLOCKEDIf the target could move, but didn't because there's an obstacle in the path.
SHOVE_DIRECTIONAL_BLOCKEDIf the obstacle is an object at the border of the turf (so no signal from being sent to the other turf)
STAMCRIT_CANCELLEDBitfield returned by listeners for COMSIG_LIVING_ENTER_STAMCRIT when they perform some action that prevents a mob going into stamcrit.
DEATHMATCH_NOT_PLAYINGDeathmatch lobby current status
JOULES_PER_DAMAGEThe amount of energy needed to increase the burn force by 1 damage during electrocution.
ELECTROCUTE_DAMAGECalculates the amount of burn force when applying this much energy to a mob via electrocution from an energy source.

Define Details


Involves corrosive substances.


Ammo box will have a different sprite for any ammo at all, and no ammo, <icon_state>-full <icon_state>-empty


ammo box will always use provided icon state


ammo box will have a different state for each bullet; <icon_state>-


All armors, preferable in the order as seen above


Armor values that are used for damage


Armor values that are used for durability


Armor can't block more than this as a percentage


IF an object is weak against armor, this is the value that any present armor is multiplied by


Gun is active and in the user hands. Wait until user does a valid click.


Gun is shooting.


Compatible firemode is in the gun. Wait until it's held in the user hands.


The baton attack is still going. baton_effect() is called.


The attack has been stopped. Either because the user was clumsy or the attack was blocked.


Return values used in item/melee/baton/baton_attack. Does a normal item attack.


Involved in checking whether a disease can infect or spread. Also involved in xeno neurotoxin.


Gun has a bolt, it locks back when empty. It can be released to chamber a round if a magazine is in. Example: Pistols with a slide lock, some SMGs


Gun has no moving bolt mechanism, it cannot be racked. Also dumps the entire contents when emptied instead of a magazine. Example: Break action shotguns, revolvers


Gun has a bolt, it is open when ready to fire. The gun can never have a chambered bullet with no magazine, but the bolt stays ready when a mag is removed. Example: Tomson, Uzi, the L6 SAW


Gun has a bolt, it stays closed while not cycling. The gun must be racked to have a bullet chambered when a mag is inserted. Example: c20, shotguns, m90


Involves a shockwave, usually from an explosion.


Brain damage. Should probably be decommissioned and replaced with proper organ damage.


Physical fracturing and warping of the material.


Involves a solid projectile.


Scorching and charring of the material.


If set, this mob can be knocked down (or stamcrit)


If set, this mob can be grabbed or pushed when bumped into


If set, this mob can be stunned.


If set, this mob can be knocked unconscious via status effect. NOTE, does not mean immune to sleep. Unconscious and sleep are two different things. NOTE, does not relate to the unconscious stat either. Only the status effect.


If a carbon is thrown at a speed faster than normal and impacts something solid, they take extra damage for every extra speed up to this number (see [/mob/living/carbon/proc/throw_impact])


The proc the combo calls


Steps for the combo


Involves being eaten


Deathmatch lobby current status


Calculates the amount of burn force when applying this much energy to a mob via electrocution from an energy source.


For thrown embedding weapons, every extra speed it's thrown at above its normal throwspeed will add this to the embed chance


The minimum value of an item's throw_speed for it to embed (Unless it has embedded_ignore_throwspeed_threshold set to 1)


Involves an EMP or energy-based projectile.


ex_act() with EXPLODE_DEVASTATE severity will gib mobs with less than this much bomb armor


Involves fire or temperature extremes.


Used in check block to get what mob is attacking the blocker.


Mob godmode. Prevents most statuses and damage from being taken, but is more often than not a crapshoot. Use with caution.


The amount of energy needed to increase the burn force by 1 damage during electrocution.


Involves a laser.


We're being tackled or leaped at.


LMB Attack


Martial arts attack happened but failed, do not allow a check for a regular attack.


Martial arts attack requested but is not available, allow a check for a regular attack.


Martial arts attack happened and succeeded, do not allow a check for a regular attack.


Involves a melee attack or a thrown object.


Attack was made with a melee weapon




Calculates the new armour value after armour penetration. Can return negative values, and those must be caught.


A projectile is hitting us.


RMB Attack


accuracy penalty of sawn off guns


added recoil of sawn off guns


Alternate attack defines. Return these at the end of procs like afterattack_secondary. Calls the normal attack proc. For example, if returned in afterattack_secondary, will call afterattack. Will continue the chain depending on the return value of the non-alternate proc, like with normal attacks.


Cancels the attack chain entirely.


Proceed with the attack chain, but don't call the normal methods.


If the target could move, but didn't because there's an obstacle in the path.


If the target can be shoved into something something with perhaps special interactions.


If the target can be briefly paralized by shoving them once again after knocking them down.


Checks If the target can be moved at all by shoving them


Whether the staggered status effect can be applied on the target


If the obstacle is an object at the border of the turf (so no signal from being sent to the other turf)


Keeps knockdowns at bay for the target


Bitfield returned by listeners for COMSIG_LIVING_ENTER_STAMCRIT when they perform some action that prevents a mob going into stamcrit.


Exhaustion and nonlethal damage.


standard suppressed


no message


A thrown item is hitting us.


Poisoning. Mostly caused by reagents.


Attack is a punch or kick. Mob attacks are not classified as unarmed (currently).


Involved in checking the likelihood of applying a wound to a mob.