COMSIG_MOD_MODULE_SELECTED | Called when a module is selected to be the active one from on_select(obj/item/mod/module/module) |
COMSIG_MOD_DEPLOYED | Called when a MOD user deploys one or more of its parts. |
COMSIG_MOD_RETRACTED | Called when a MOD user retracts one or more of its parts. |
COMSIG_MOD_PART_DEPLOYED | Called when a MOD deploys a part. |
COMSIG_MOD_PART_RETRACTED | Called when a MOD retracts a part. |
COMSIG_MOD_TOGGLED | Called when a MOD is finished toggling itself. |
COMSIG_MOD_ACTIVATE | Called when a MOD activation is called from toggle_activate(mob/user) |
MOD_CANCEL_ACTIVATE | Cancels the suit's activation |
COMSIG_MOD_MODULE_REMOVED | Called when a MOD finishes having a module removed from it. |
COMSIG_MOD_MODULE_ADDED | Called when a MOD finishes having a module added to it. |
COMSIG_MOD_MODULE_REMOVAL | Called when a MOD is having modules removed from crowbar_act(mob/user, obj/crowbar) |
MOD_CANCEL_REMOVAL | Cancels the removal of modules |
COMSIG_MODULE_TRIGGERED | Called when a module attempts to activate, however it does. At the end of checks so you can add some yourself, or work on trigger behavior (mob/user) |
MOD_ABORT_USE | Cancels activation, with no message. Include feedback on your cancel. |
COMSIG_MODULE_ACTIVATED | Called when a module activates, after all checks have passed and cooldown started. |
COMSIG_MODULE_COOLDOWN_STARTED | Called when a module starts a cooldown until its next activation. Passed the cooldown time. |
COMSIG_MODULE_DEACTIVATED | Called when a module deactivates, after all checks have passed. |
COMSIG_MODULE_USED | Called when a module is used, after all checks have passed and cooldown started. |
COMSIG_MOD_WEARER_SET | Called when the MODsuit wearer is set. |
COMSIG_MOD_WEARER_UNSET | Called when the MODsuit wearer is unset. |
Define Details
Called when a module activates, after all checks have passed and cooldown started.
Called when a module starts a cooldown until its next activation. Passed the cooldown time.
Called when a module deactivates, after all checks have passed.
Called when a module attempts to activate, however it does. At the end of checks so you can add some yourself, or work on trigger behavior (mob/user)
Called when a module is used, after all checks have passed and cooldown started.
Called when a MOD activation is called from toggle_activate(mob/user)
Called when a MOD user deploys one or more of its parts.
Called when a MOD finishes having a module added to it.
Called when a MOD is having modules removed from crowbar_act(mob/user, obj/crowbar)
Called when a MOD finishes having a module removed from it.
Called when a module is selected to be the active one from on_select(obj/item/mod/module/module)
Called when a MOD deploys a part.
Called when a MOD retracts a part.
Called when a MOD user retracts one or more of its parts.
Called when a MOD is finished toggling itself.
Called when the MODsuit wearer is set.
Called when the MODsuit wearer is unset.
Cancels activation, with no message. Include feedback on your cancel.
Cancels the suit's activation
Cancels the removal of modules