/tg/ Station 13 - Modules - TypesDefine Details


FOOD_PREFERENCE_TOXICUsed inside the foods prefs menu. Indicates that a food is toxic.
FOOD_PREFERENCE_DISLIKEDUsed inside the foods prefs menu. Indicates that a food is disliked.
FOOD_PREFERENCE_NEUTRALUsed inside the foods prefs menu. Indicates that a food is neither liked or disliked.
FOOD_PREFERENCE_LIKEDUsed inside the foods prefs menu. Indicates that a food is liked.
FOOD_PREFERENCE_DEFAULTUsed inside the food prefs menu. Indicates the value of this entry is the default food like/dislike value for the food.
FOOD_PREFERENCE_OBSCUREUsed inside the food prefs menu as an entry. If set to TRUE, the food is completely ignored by the verification system. Optional.

Define Details


Used inside the food prefs menu. Indicates the value of this entry is the default food like/dislike value for the food.


Used inside the foods prefs menu. Indicates that a food is disliked.


Used inside the foods prefs menu. Indicates that a food is liked.


Used inside the foods prefs menu. Indicates that a food is neither liked or disliked.


Used inside the food prefs menu as an entry. If set to TRUE, the food is completely ignored by the verification system. Optional.


Used inside the foods prefs menu. Indicates that a food is toxic.