/tg/ Station 13 - Modules - TypesDefine Details


CULT_POLL_WAITTime before being allowed to select a new cult leader again
GET_ERROR_ROOMReturns either the error landmark or the location of the room. Needless to say, if this is used, it means things have gone awry.
/proc/get_area_nameReturns the name of the area the atom is in
/proc/try_move_adjacentTries to move an atom to an adjacent turf, return TRUE if successful
/proc/get_mob_by_keyReturn the mob type that is being controlled by a ckey
/proc/considered_aliveChecks if the passed mind has a mob that is "alive"
/proc/considered_exiledExiled check
/proc/considered_afkChecks if a player is considered AFK
/proc/screen_textReturn an object with a new maptext (not currently in use)
/proc/add_image_to_clientAdds an image to a client's .images. Useful as a callback.
/proc/add_image_to_clientsLike add_image_to_client, but will add the image from a list of clients
/proc/remove_image_from_clientRemoves an image from a client's .images. Useful as a callback.
/proc/remove_image_from_clientsLike remove_image_from_client, but will remove the image from a list of clients
/proc/flick_overlay_globalAdd an image to a list of clients and calls a proc to remove it after a duration
/atom/movable/flick_visualHelper atom that copies an appearance and exists for a period
/proc/get_active_player_countGet active players who are playing in the round
/proc/make_bodyUses stripped down and bastardized code from respawn character
/proc/send_to_playing_playerssends a whatever to all playing players; use instead of to_chat(world, where needed)
/proc/window_flashFlash the window of a player
/proc/recursive_loc_checkRecursively checks if an item is inside a given type/atom, even through layers of storage. Returns the atom if it finds it.
/proc/announce_arrivalSend a message in common radio when a player arrives
/proc/lavaland_equipment_pressure_checkCheck if the turf pressure allows specialized equipment to work
/proc/find_obstruction_free_locationFind an obstruction free turf that's within the range of the center. Can also condition on if it is of a certain area type.
/proc/power_failDisable power in the station APCs
/proc/send_tip_of_the_roundSends a round tip to a target. If selected_tip is null, a random tip will be sent instead (5% chance of it being silly). Tips that starts with the @ character won't be html encoded. That's necessary for any tip containing markup tags, just make sure they don't also have html characters like <, > and ' which will be garbled.

Define Details


Time before being allowed to select a new cult leader again


Returns either the error landmark or the location of the room. Needless to say, if this is used, it means things have gone awry.