Preset for an action that has a cooldown.
Vars | |
active_background_icon_state | The icon state the background uses when active |
active_icon_state | The active icon state of the spell's button icon, used for editing the icon "on" |
active_overlay_icon_state | The active icon_state of the overlay we apply |
base_background_icon_state | The base icon_state of this action's background |
base_icon_state | The base icon state of the spell's button icon, used for editing the icon "off" |
base_overlay_icon_state | The base icon_state of the overlay we apply |
click_cd_override | The cooldown added onto the user's next click. |
click_to_activate | Setting for intercepting clicks before activating the ability |
cooldown_rounding | Significant figures to round cooldown to |
cooldown_time | The default cooldown applied when StartCooldown() is called |
initialized_actions | List of prerequisite actions that have been initialized |
melee_cooldown_time | The default melee cooldown applied after the ability ends |
next_melee_use_time | The actual next time the owner of this action can melee |
next_use_time | The actual next time this ability can be used |
panel | The stat panel this action shows up in the stat panel in. If null, will not show up. |
ranged_mousepointer | What icon to replace our mouse cursor with when active. Optional |
sequence_actions | List of prerequisite actions that are used in this sequenced ability, you cannot put other sequenced abilities in this |
shared_cooldown | Shares cooldowns with other abiliies, bitflag |
text_cooldown | Whether or not you want the cooldown for the ability to display in text form |
unset_after_click | If TRUE, we will unset after using our click intercept. |
Procs | |
Activate | To be implemented by subtypes (if not generic) |
InterceptClickOn | Intercepts client owner clicks to activate the ability |
PreActivate | For signal calling |
ResetCooldown | Resets the cooldown of this ability |
StartCooldown | Starts a cooldown time to be shared with similar abilities Will use default cooldown time if an override is not specified |
StartCooldownOthers | Starts a cooldown time for other abilities that share a cooldown with this. Has some niche usage with more complicated attack ai! Will use default cooldown time if an override is not specified |
StartCooldownSelf | Starts a cooldown time for this ability only Will use default cooldown time if an override is not specified |
create_sequence_actions | Initializes any sequence actions |
disable | Disables this cooldown action |
disable_cooldown_actions | Disables all cooldown actions |
enable | Re-enables this cooldown action |
enable_cooldown_actions | Re-enables all cooldown actions |
handle_melee_attack | Cancels melee attacks if they are on cooldown. |
set_click_ability | Set our action as the click override on the passed mob. |
set_statpanel_format | Formats the action to be returned to the stat panel. |
unset_click_ability | Unset our action as the click override of the passed mob. |
Var Details
The icon state the background uses when active
The active icon state of the spell's button icon, used for editing the icon "on"
The active icon_state of the overlay we apply
The base icon_state of this action's background
The base icon state of the spell's button icon, used for editing the icon "off"
The base icon_state of the overlay we apply
The cooldown added onto the user's next click.
Setting for intercepting clicks before activating the ability
Significant figures to round cooldown to
The default cooldown applied when StartCooldown() is called
List of prerequisite actions that have been initialized
The default melee cooldown applied after the ability ends
The actual next time the owner of this action can melee
The actual next time this ability can be used
The stat panel this action shows up in the stat panel in. If null, will not show up.
What icon to replace our mouse cursor with when active. Optional
List of prerequisite actions that are used in this sequenced ability, you cannot put other sequenced abilities in this
Shares cooldowns with other abiliies, bitflag
Whether or not you want the cooldown for the ability to display in text form
If TRUE, we will unset after using our click intercept.
Proc Details
To be implemented by subtypes (if not generic)
Intercepts client owner clicks to activate the ability
For signal calling
Resets the cooldown of this ability
Starts a cooldown time to be shared with similar abilities Will use default cooldown time if an override is not specified
Starts a cooldown time for other abilities that share a cooldown with this. Has some niche usage with more complicated attack ai! Will use default cooldown time if an override is not specified
Starts a cooldown time for this ability only Will use default cooldown time if an override is not specified
Initializes any sequence actions
Disables this cooldown action
Disables all cooldown actions
Re-enables this cooldown action
Re-enables all cooldown actions
Cancels melee attacks if they are on cooldown.
Set our action as the click override on the passed mob.
Formats the action to be returned to the stat panel.
Unset our action as the click override of the passed mob.
if refund_cooldown is TRUE, we are being unset by the user clicking the action off if refund_cooldown is FALSE, we are being forcefully unset, likely by someone actually using the action