/tg/ Station 13 - Modules - TypesProc Details


Space Crawl

Lets the caster enter and exit tiles of space or misc turfs.


do_spacecrawlAttempts to enter or exit the passed space or misc turf. Returns TRUE if we successfully entered or exited said turf, FALSE otherwise
on_focus_lostSignal proc for [SIGNAL_REMOVETRAIT] via TRAIT_ALLOW_HERETIC_CASTING, losing our focus midcast will throw us out.
try_enter_jauntAttempts to enter the passed space or misc turfs.
try_exit_jauntAttempts to Exit the passed space or misc turf.

Proc Details


Attempts to enter or exit the passed space or misc turf. Returns TRUE if we successfully entered or exited said turf, FALSE otherwise


Signal proc for [SIGNAL_REMOVETRAIT] via TRAIT_ALLOW_HERETIC_CASTING, losing our focus midcast will throw us out.


Attempts to enter the passed space or misc turfs.


Attempts to Exit the passed space or misc turf.