/tg/ Station 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details


Alter Form is the ability of slimes to edit many of their character attributes at will This covers most thing about their character, from body size or colour, to adding new wings, tails, ears, etc, to changing the presence of their genitalia There are some balance concerns with some of these (looking at you, body size), but nobody has abused it Yet:tm:, and it would be exceedingly obvious if they did


available_choicesList containing all of the avalible parts
oversized_userIs the person using this ability oversized?
shapeshift_textWhat text is shown to others when the person uses the ability?
slime_restrictedDo you need to be a slime-person to use this ability?


alter_coloursAlter colours handles the changing of mutant colours This affects skin tone primarily, though has the option to change hair, markings, and mutant body parts to match
alter_dnaAlter DNA is an intermediary proc for the most part It lets you pick between a few options for DNA specifics
alter_genitalsAlter genitals lets you adjust the size or functionality of genitalia If you don't own the genital you try to adjust, it'll ask you if you want to add it first
alter_hairAlter hair lets you adjust both the hair on your head as well as your facial hair You can adjust the style of either
alter_markingsAlter markings lets you add a particular body marking
alter_partsAlter parts lets you adjust mutant bodyparts This can be adding (or removing) things like ears, tails, wings, et cetera.
change_formChange form is the initial proc when using the alter form action It brings up a radial menu to allow you to pick what about your character it is that you want to edit Each of these radial menus should be kept from being too long where possible, really

Var Details


List containing all of the avalible parts


Is the person using this ability oversized?


What text is shown to others when the person uses the ability?


Do you need to be a slime-person to use this ability?

Proc Details


Alter colours handles the changing of mutant colours This affects skin tone primarily, though has the option to change hair, markings, and mutant body parts to match


Alter DNA is an intermediary proc for the most part It lets you pick between a few options for DNA specifics


Alter genitals lets you adjust the size or functionality of genitalia If you don't own the genital you try to adjust, it'll ask you if you want to add it first


Alter hair lets you adjust both the hair on your head as well as your facial hair You can adjust the style of either


Alter markings lets you add a particular body marking


Alter parts lets you adjust mutant bodyparts This can be adding (or removing) things like ears, tails, wings, et cetera.


Change form is the initial proc when using the alter form action It brings up a radial menu to allow you to pick what about your character it is that you want to edit Each of these radial menus should be kept from being too long where possible, really