/tg/ Station 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details



affected_bodypartsWhich bodyparts does the marking affect in BITFLAGS!! (HEAD, CHEST, ARM_LEFT, ARM_RIGHT, HAND_LEFT, HAND_RIGHT, LEG_RIGHT, LEG_LEFT)
always_color_customizableIf this is on the color customization will show up despite the pref settings, it will also cause the marking to not reset colors to match the defaults
default_colorThe color the marking defaults to, important for randomisations. either a hex color ie."#FFFFFF" or a define like DEFAULT_PRIMARY
genderedWhether the body marking sprite is the same for both sexes or not. Only relevant for chest right now.
iconThe icon file the body markign is located in
icon_stateThe icon_state of the body marking
nameThe preview name of the body marking. NEEDS A UNIQUE NAME
recommended_speciesWhich species is this marking recommended to. Important for randomisations.

Var Details


Which bodyparts does the marking affect in BITFLAGS!! (HEAD, CHEST, ARM_LEFT, ARM_RIGHT, HAND_LEFT, HAND_RIGHT, LEG_RIGHT, LEG_LEFT)


If this is on the color customization will show up despite the pref settings, it will also cause the marking to not reset colors to match the defaults


The color the marking defaults to, important for randomisations. either a hex color ie."#FFFFFF" or a define like DEFAULT_PRIMARY


Whether the body marking sprite is the same for both sexes or not. Only relevant for chest right now.


The icon file the body markign is located in


The icon_state of the body marking


The preview name of the body marking. NEEDS A UNIQUE NAME


Which species is this marking recommended to. Important for randomisations.