/tg/ Station 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details


carrier Room

This datum is where souls are sent to when joining soulcatchers. It handles sending messages to souls from the outside along with adding new souls, transfering, and removing souls.


current_mobsWhat souls are currently inside of the room?
current_overlay_pathWhat overlay is being currently used? Don't directly change this, use change_fullscreen_overlay()
joinableCan the room be joined at all?
master_carrierWeakref for the master carrier datum
nameWhat is the name of the room?
outside_voiceWhat is the name of the person sending the messages?
overlay_colorWhat color do we want the overlay to be, if any?
overlay_recolorableIs our overlay recolorable? This is here for TGUI
room_colorWhat is the color of chat messages sent by the room?
room_descriptionWhat is the description of the room?


add_mobAdds a mob into the carrier
add_soul_from_mindConverts a mind into a soul and adds the resulting soul to the room.
change_fullscreen_overlayChanges the fullscreen overlay for everyone inside of the current carrier room
relay_message_to_carrierRelays a message sent from the send_message proc to the parent carrier datum
remove_mobRemoves a mob from a carrier room, leaving it as a ghost. Returns FALSE if the mob_to_remove cannot be found, otherwise returns TRUE after a successful deletion.
send_messageSends a message or emote to all of the souls currently located inside of the carrier room. Returns FALSE if a message cannot be sent, otherwise returns TRUE.
set_overlay_for_mobSets the current overlay for a mob

Var Details


What souls are currently inside of the room?


What overlay is being currently used? Don't directly change this, use change_fullscreen_overlay()


Can the room be joined at all?


Weakref for the master carrier datum


What is the name of the room?


What is the name of the person sending the messages?


What color do we want the overlay to be, if any?


Is our overlay recolorable? This is here for TGUI


What is the color of chat messages sent by the room?


What is the description of the room?

Proc Details


Adds a mob into the carrier


Converts a mind into a soul and adds the resulting soul to the room.


Changes the fullscreen overlay for everyone inside of the current carrier room


Relays a message sent from the send_message proc to the parent carrier datum


Removes a mob from a carrier room, leaving it as a ghost. Returns FALSE if the mob_to_remove cannot be found, otherwise returns TRUE after a successful deletion.


Sends a message or emote to all of the souls currently located inside of the carrier room. Returns FALSE if a message cannot be sent, otherwise returns TRUE.



Sets the current overlay for a mob