/tg/ Station 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details


The component given to carrier inhabitants


able_to_emoteIs the mob able to emote inside the carrier room?
able_to_emote_as_containerIs the mob able to emote as the object it is inside?
able_to_renameIs the mob able to change their own name?
able_to_speakIs the mob able to speak inside the carrier room?
able_to_speak_as_containerIs the mob able to speak as the object it is inside?
carrier_actionThe coresponding action used to pull up the HUD
communicating_externallyAre emote's and Say's done through the container the mob is in?
current_roomWhat is the weakref of the carrier room are we currently in?
descWhat does our mob look like?
hud_action_givenIs the action to control the HUD given to the mob?
internal_hearingIs the mob able to "hear" things from inside of the carrier?
internal_sightIs the mob able to "see" things from inside of the carrier?
leave_actionThe coresponding action used to leave the carrier
leave_action_givenIs the action to leave given to the mob?
nameWhat is the name of our mob?
ooc_notesWhat are the ooc notes for the mob?
outside_hearingIs the mob able to hear things from the outside world?
outside_sightIs the mob able to see things in the outside world?


can_communicateIs the carrier mob able to communicate? Returns TRUE if they can, otherwise returns FALSE
change_nameChanges the name show on the component based off new_name. Returns TRUE if the name has been changed, otherwise returns FALSE.
check_internal_sensesIs the carrier mob able to witness a message? Emote determines if the message is an emote or not.
me_verbWhat do we want to do when a mob tries to do a me emote?
refresh_mob_appearanceConfigures the settings of the carrier user to be in accordance with the parent mob
reset_nameAttempts to reset the mob's name to it's name in prefs. Returns TRUE if the name is reset, otherwise returns FALSE.
sayWhat do we want to do when a mob tries to say something into the carrier?
set_roomSets the current room of the carrier component based off of room_to_set
toggle_senseModifies the sense of the parent mob based on the variable sense_to_toggle. Returns the state of the modified variable

Var Details


Is the mob able to emote inside the carrier room?


Is the mob able to emote as the object it is inside?


Is the mob able to change their own name?


Is the mob able to speak inside the carrier room?


Is the mob able to speak as the object it is inside?


The coresponding action used to pull up the HUD


Are emote's and Say's done through the container the mob is in?


What is the weakref of the carrier room are we currently in?


What does our mob look like?


Is the action to control the HUD given to the mob?


Is the mob able to "hear" things from inside of the carrier?


Is the mob able to "see" things from inside of the carrier?


The coresponding action used to leave the carrier


Is the action to leave given to the mob?


What is the name of our mob?


What are the ooc notes for the mob?


Is the mob able to hear things from the outside world?


Is the mob able to see things in the outside world?

Proc Details


Is the carrier mob able to communicate? Returns TRUE if they can, otherwise returns FALSE


Changes the name show on the component based off new_name. Returns TRUE if the name has been changed, otherwise returns FALSE.


Is the carrier mob able to witness a message? Emote determines if the message is an emote or not.


What do we want to do when a mob tries to do a me emote?


Configures the settings of the carrier user to be in accordance with the parent mob


Attempts to reset the mob's name to it's name in prefs. Returns TRUE if the name is reset, otherwise returns FALSE.


What do we want to do when a mob tries to say something into the carrier?


Sets the current room of the carrier component based off of room_to_set


Modifies the sense of the parent mob based on the variable sense_to_toggle. Returns the state of the modified variable