/tg/ Station 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details


Component that lets clothing be damaged in zones by piercing bullets. The parent MUST have limb_integrity set.


projectile_damage_multiplierHow much of the incoming projectile damage is taken, multiplier
wearerWho is wearing the target?


hit_by_projectileChecks an incoming projectile to see if it should damage the thing we're attached to,
lost_wearerEither we've been dropped or our wearer has been QDEL'd. Either way, they're no longer our problem
on_equippedCheck if we've been equipped to a valid slot to shield
on_examineWarns any examiner that the clothing we're stuck to will be damaged by piercing bullets
set_wearerSets the wearer and registers the appropriate signals for them

Var Details


How much of the incoming projectile damage is taken, multiplier


Who is wearing the target?

Proc Details


Checks an incoming projectile to see if it should damage the thing we're attached to,


Either we've been dropped or our wearer has been QDEL'd. Either way, they're no longer our problem


Check if we've been equipped to a valid slot to shield


Warns any examiner that the clothing we're stuck to will be damaged by piercing bullets


Sets the wearer and registers the appropriate signals for them