/tg/ Station 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details

Mind Linker

A component that handles linking multiple player's minds into one network which allows them to talk directly to one another. Like telepathy but for multiple people at once!


chat_colorThe color of the network when talking in chat
linked_mobsAn assoc list of mob/livings to datum/action/innate/linked_speechs. All the mobs that are linked to our network.
linking_protectionDoes the component check to see if the person being linked has a mindshield or anti-magic?
master_speechThe master's speech action. The owner of the link shouldn't lose this as long as the link remains.
network_nameThe name of our network, displayed to all users.
post_unlink_callbackA callback invoked after an unlink is done. Optional.
signals_which_destroy_usA list of all signals that will call qdel() on our component if triggered. Optional.
speech_actionIs does the component give an action to speak? By default, yes
speech_action_background_icon_stateThe icon background for the speech action handed out.
speech_action_iconThe icon file given to the speech action handed out.
speech_action_icon_stateThe icon state applied to the speech action handed out.
speech_action_overlay_stateThe border icon state for the speech action handed out.


destroy_linkSignal proc sent from any signals given to us initialize. Destroys our component and unlinks everyone.
link_mobAttempts to link [to_link] to our network, giving them a speech action.
unlink_mobUnlinks [to_unlink] from our network, deleting their speech action and cleaning up anything involved.

Var Details


The color of the network when talking in chat


An assoc list of mob/livings to datum/action/innate/linked_speechs. All the mobs that are linked to our network.


Does the component check to see if the person being linked has a mindshield or anti-magic?


The master's speech action. The owner of the link shouldn't lose this as long as the link remains.


The name of our network, displayed to all users.

A callback invoked after an unlink is done. Optional.


A list of all signals that will call qdel() on our component if triggered. Optional.


Is does the component give an action to speak? By default, yes


The icon background for the speech action handed out.


The icon file given to the speech action handed out.


The icon state applied to the speech action handed out.


The border icon state for the speech action handed out.

Proc Details

Signal proc sent from any signals given to us initialize. Destroys our component and unlinks everyone.

Attempts to link [to_link] to our network, giving them a speech action.

Returns TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise

Unlinks [to_unlink] from our network, deleting their speech action and cleaning up anything involved.

Also invokes post_unlink_callback, if supplied.