/tg/ Station 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details



hop_lockedIs the owner of card locked out of clocking back in until their ID is unlocked by the HoP?
on_cooldownIs the ID that the component is attached to is able to clock back in?
stored_assignmentWhat was the name of the job the person was working when they clocked out?
stored_trimThe stored ID trim of the user of the id


attempt_unlockAttempts an unlock if attacked by another ID. If the ID has HoP access, it will unlock and return TRUE
remove_cooldownSets the on_cooldown variable to false, making it so that the ID can clock back in.

Var Details


Is the owner of card locked out of clocking back in until their ID is unlocked by the HoP?


Is the ID that the component is attached to is able to clock back in?


What was the name of the job the person was working when they clocked out?


The stored ID trim of the user of the id

Proc Details


Attempts an unlock if attacked by another ID. If the ID has HoP access, it will unlock and return TRUE


Sets the on_cooldown variable to false, making it so that the ID can clock back in.