A component for windows to allow them to be dynamically rendered opaque / transparent based on a button press.
Vars | |
id | The ID of the polarizer we're listening to. |
non_polarized_color | The color the window was before it was polarized. |
polarization_process_duration | The time it takes for the polarization process to happen. |
polarized_color | The color of the window when polarized. |
used_capacitor | The capacitor that was used on the window, if any. Can be null if the window was spawned already polarized. |
Procs | |
on_window_examine | Handles adding the examine strings to windows that have a polarization controller installed. |
on_window_multitool_act | Signal handler to handle the removal of this component when someone uses a multitool (or something that acts like one) on the parent window. |
remove_polarization_controller | Proc that handles removing the polarization controller. Had to be made into a separate proc so that it wouldn't be waited for by the signal handler for the multitool tool act. |
toggle | Handles toggling the window between opaque and transparent. |
window_item_interact | Called when the parent window is being hit by an item |
Var Details
The ID of the polarizer we're listening to.
The color the window was before it was polarized.
The time it takes for the polarization process to happen.
The color of the window when polarized.
The capacitor that was used on the window, if any. Can be null if the window was spawned already polarized.
Proc Details
Handles adding the examine strings to windows that have a polarization controller installed.
Signal handler to handle the removal of this component when someone uses a multitool (or something that acts like one) on the parent window.
Proc that handles removing the polarization controller. Had to be made into a separate proc so that it wouldn't be waited for by the signal handler for the multitool tool act.
Handles toggling the window between opaque and transparent.
- should_be_opaque - Boolean on whether or not the window should now be opaque.
Called when the parent window is being hit by an item
- obj/item/attacking_item - The item hitting this atom
- mob/user - The wielder of this item
- params - click params such as alt/shift etc