/tg/ Station 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details



blacklisted_cacheA list of players that failed the age check this round. Stopgap only used if we don't have a db attached to ban people.
current_dayCurrent day of the month, stored on the subsystem init
current_monthCurrent month of the year, stored on the subsystem init
current_yearCurrent year, stored on the subsystem init
prompt_cacheA list of currently active prompts.


age_checkChecks if the player is declared of age. Prompts the player for DoB if necessary.
age_promptCreates a prompt window for user's date of birth.
create_underage_banBecause apparently there's no simple proc for applying bans and admin datums need an actual admin holding them

Var Details


A list of players that failed the age check this round. Stopgap only used if we don't have a db attached to ban people.


Current day of the month, stored on the subsystem init


Current month of the year, stored on the subsystem init


Current year, stored on the subsystem init


A list of currently active prompts.

Proc Details


Checks if the player is declared of age. Prompts the player for DoB if necessary.


Creates a prompt window for user's date of birth.


Because apparently there's no simple proc for applying bans and admin datums need an actual admin holding them