Vars | |
anomaly_hard_limit_by_type | The hard limits of cores created for each anomaly type. For faster code lookup without switch statements. |
created_anomaly_types | The global list of raw anomaly types that have been refined, for hard limits. |
invalid_design_ids | associative id = number of times |
invalid_node_boost | associative id = error message |
invalid_node_ids | associative id = number of times |
ordnance_experiments | Lookup list for ordnance briefers. |
point_types | Associated list of all point types that techwebs will have and their respective 'abbreviated' name. |
scientific_partners | Lookup list for scipaper partners. |
techweb_categories | category name = list( = TRUE) |
techweb_nodes_experimental | Node ids that are exclusive to the BEPIS. |
techweb_nodes_hidden | Node ids that should be hidden by default. |
techweb_nodes_starting | associative id = TRUE |
techweb_point_items | path = list(point type = value) |
techweb_unlock_items | List of all items that can unlock a node. ( = list(items)) |
techwebs | List of all techwebs, generating points or not. Autolathes, Mechfabs, and others all have shared techwebs, for example. |
Procs | |
find_valid_servers | Goes through an individual techweb's servers and finds one on a valid z-level Returns a list of existing ones, or an empty list otherwise. Args: |
get_available_servers | Sorts the get_available_servers() returned list by closest server source location Returns the closest server found as a single entity list. |
increment_existing_anomaly_cores | Increase our tracked number of cores of this type |
is_core_available | Returns true if you can make an anomaly core of the provided type |
Var Details
The hard limits of cores created for each anomaly type. For faster code lookup without switch statements.
The global list of raw anomaly types that have been refined, for hard limits.
associative id = number of times
associative id = error message
associative id = number of times
Lookup list for ordnance briefers.
Associated list of all point types that techwebs will have and their respective 'abbreviated' name.
Lookup list for scipaper partners.
category name = list( = TRUE)
Node ids that are exclusive to the BEPIS.
Node ids that should be hidden by default.
associative id = TRUE
path = list(point type = value)
List of all items that can unlock a node. ( = list(items))
List of all techwebs, generating points or not. Autolathes, Mechfabs, and others all have shared techwebs, for example.
Proc Details
Goes through an individual techweb's servers and finds one on a valid z-level Returns a list of existing ones, or an empty list otherwise. Args:
- checking_web - The techweb we're checking the servers of.
Sorts the get_available_servers() returned list by closest server source location Returns the closest server found as a single entity list.
Increase our tracked number of cores of this type
Returns true if you can make an anomaly core of the provided type