/tg/ Station 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details


Where the fish actually come from - every fishing spot has one assigned but multiple fishing holes can share single source, ie single shared one for ocean/lavaland river


backgroundBackground image name from /datum/asset/simple/fishing_minigame
catalog_descriptionHow the spot type is described in fish catalog section about fish sources, will be skipped if null
currently_on_regenA list of stuff that's currently waiting to be readded to fish_counts
dudsText shown as baloon alert when you roll a dud in the table
exploded_turfsIf explosive_malus is true, this will be used to keep track of the turfs where an explosion happened for when we'll spawn the loot.
explosive_malusIt true, repeated and large explosions won't be as efficient. This is usually meant for global fish sources.
fish_count_regenAny limited quantity stuff in this list will be readded to the counts after a while
fish_countsIf a key from fish_table is present here, that fish is availible in limited quantity and is reduced by one on successful fishing
fish_tableFish catch weight table - these are relative weights
fishing_difficultyBaseline difficulty for fishing in this spot
profound_fisher_blacklistMindless mobs that can fish will never pull up items on this list


calculate_difficultyCalculates the difficulty of the minigame:
dispense_rewardGives out the reward if possible
get_catchable_fish_namesAdd a string with the names of catchable fishes to the examine text.
get_fish_tableReturns the fish table, with with the unavailable items from fish_counts removed.
get_modified_fish_tableBuilds a fish weights table modified by bait/rod/user properties
has_known_fishesreturns true if this fishing spot has fish that are shown in the catalog.
interrupt_challengeProc called when the challenge is interrupted within the fish source code.
on_challenge_completedProc called when the COMSIG_FISHING_CHALLENGE_COMPLETED signal is sent. Check if we've succeeded. If so, write into memory and dispense the reward.
on_fishing_spot_delCalled whenever a fishing spot with this fish source attached is deleted
on_fishing_spot_initCalled when src is set as the fish source of a fishing spot component
on_start_fishingCalled below above proc, in case the fishing source has anything to do that isn't denial
pre_challenge_startedUsed to register signals or add traits and the such right after conditions have been cleared and before the minigame starts.
reason_we_cant_fishCan we fish in this spot at all. Returns DENIAL_REASON or null if we're good to go
roll_rewardIn case you want more complex rules for specific spots
simple_dispense_rewardSimplified version of dispense_reward that doesn't need a fisherman.
spawn_rewardSpawns a reward from a atom path right where the fisherman is. Part of the dispense_reward() logic.

Var Details


Background image name from /datum/asset/simple/fishing_minigame


How the spot type is described in fish catalog section about fish sources, will be skipped if null


A list of stuff that's currently waiting to be readded to fish_counts


Text shown as baloon alert when you roll a dud in the table


If explosive_malus is true, this will be used to keep track of the turfs where an explosion happened for when we'll spawn the loot.


It true, repeated and large explosions won't be as efficient. This is usually meant for global fish sources.


Any limited quantity stuff in this list will be readded to the counts after a while


If a key from fish_table is present here, that fish is availible in limited quantity and is reduced by one on successful fishing


Fish catch weight table - these are relative weights


Baseline difficulty for fishing in this spot


Mindless mobs that can fish will never pull up items on this list

Proc Details


Calculates the difficulty of the minigame:

This includes the source's fishing difficulty, that of the fish, the rod, favorite and disliked baits, fish traits and the fisherman skill.

For non-fish, it's just the source's fishing difficulty minus the fisherman skill.


Gives out the reward if possible


Add a string with the names of catchable fishes to the examine text.


Returns the fish table, with with the unavailable items from fish_counts removed.


Builds a fish weights table modified by bait/rod/user properties


returns true if this fishing spot has fish that are shown in the catalog.


Proc called when the challenge is interrupted within the fish source code.


Proc called when the COMSIG_FISHING_CHALLENGE_COMPLETED signal is sent. Check if we've succeeded. If so, write into memory and dispense the reward.


Called whenever a fishing spot with this fish source attached is deleted


Called when src is set as the fish source of a fishing spot component


Called below above proc, in case the fishing source has anything to do that isn't denial


Used to register signals or add traits and the such right after conditions have been cleared and before the minigame starts.


Can we fish in this spot at all. Returns DENIAL_REASON or null if we're good to go


In case you want more complex rules for specific spots


Simplified version of dispense_reward that doesn't need a fisherman.


Spawns a reward from a atom path right where the fisherman is. Part of the dispense_reward() logic.