/tg/ Station 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details


Datum based languages. Easily editable and modular.


always_use_default_namelistIf TRUE, when generating names, we will always use the default human namelist, even if we have syllables set. This is to be used for languages with very outlandish syllable lists (like pirates).
default_name_countBy default, random names picks this many names
default_name_syllable_maxBy default, random names picks this many syllables (max)
default_name_syllable_minBy default, random names picks this many syllables (min)
default_priorityThe language that an atom knows with the highest "default_priority" is selected by default.
descShort description for 'Check Languages'.
flagsVarious language flags.
iconIcon displayed in the chat window when speaking this language. if you are seeing someone speak popcorn language, then something is wrong.
icon_stateIcon state displayed in the chat window when speaking this language.
keyCharacter used to speak in language If key is null, then the language isn't real or learnable.
nameFluff name of language if any.
random_name_spacerWhat char to place in between randomly generated names
scramble_cacheCache of recently scrambled text This allows commonly reused words to not require a full re-scramble every time.
secretShould this be hidden on the language buy menu?
sentence_chanceLikelihood of making a new sentence after each syllable.
space_chanceLikelihood of getting a space in the random scramble string
spansSpans to apply from this language
special_charactersList of characters that will randomly be inserted between syllables.
syllablesUsed when scrambling text for a non-speaker.


default_nameSimple helper for getting a default firstname lastname
display_iconChecks whether we should display the language icon to the passed hearer.
get_iconReturns the icon to display in the chat window when speaking this language.
get_random_nameGenerates a random name this language would use.
get_random_unique_nameGenerates a random name, and attempts to ensure it is unique (IE, no other mob in the world has it)

Var Details


If TRUE, when generating names, we will always use the default human namelist, even if we have syllables set. This is to be used for languages with very outlandish syllable lists (like pirates).


By default, random names picks this many names


By default, random names picks this many syllables (max)


By default, random names picks this many syllables (min)


The language that an atom knows with the highest "default_priority" is selected by default.


Short description for 'Check Languages'.


Various language flags.


Icon displayed in the chat window when speaking this language. if you are seeing someone speak popcorn language, then something is wrong.


Icon state displayed in the chat window when speaking this language.


Character used to speak in language If key is null, then the language isn't real or learnable.


Fluff name of language if any.


What char to place in between randomly generated names


Cache of recently scrambled text This allows commonly reused words to not require a full re-scramble every time.


Should this be hidden on the language buy menu?


Likelihood of making a new sentence after each syllable.


Likelihood of getting a space in the random scramble string


Spans to apply from this language


List of characters that will randomly be inserted between syllables.


Used when scrambling text for a non-speaker.

Proc Details


Simple helper for getting a default firstname lastname


Checks whether we should display the language icon to the passed hearer.


Returns the icon to display in the chat window when speaking this language.


Generates a random name this language would use.


Generates a random name, and attempts to ensure it is unique (IE, no other mob in the world has it)