/tg/ Station 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details



added_eyewear_traitsA list of traits that we want to add while the NIFSoft is active. This is here to emulate things like sci-goggles
eyewear_checkDo we need to check if the user is wearing compatible eyewear?
hud_traitsWhat are the HUD traits we are adding when the NIFSoft is activated?
hud_typeWhat kind of HUD are we adding when the NIFSoft is activated?


add_hudsAttemps to add the hud variables from the NIFSoft to the user.
remove_hudsAttempts to remove the HUDs given to the user by the NIFSoft

Var Details


A list of traits that we want to add while the NIFSoft is active. This is here to emulate things like sci-goggles


Do we need to check if the user is wearing compatible eyewear?


What are the HUD traits we are adding when the NIFSoft is activated?


What kind of HUD are we adding when the NIFSoft is activated?

Proc Details


Attemps to add the hud variables from the NIFSoft to the user.


Attempts to remove the HUDs given to the user by the NIFSoft