Vars | |
arousal_adjust_amount | The amount to adjust the mob's arousal by |
balls_big_size | The size at which the testicles are considered 'big' |
balls_enormous_size_threshold | Make the balls enormous only when the penis reaches a certain size |
balls_increase_chance | % chance for testicle growth to occur |
balls_max_size | Largest size the chem can make a mob's balls |
balls_min_size | Smallest size the chem can make a mob's balls |
breast_minimum_size | Smallest size the chem can make a mob's breasts |
breast_size_increase_step | How much breasts are increased in size each time it's run |
breast_size_reduction_step | How much to reduce the size of the breasts each time it's run |
damage_chance | % chance for damage to be applied when the organ is too large and the mob is clothed |
enlargement_amount | Counts up to a threshold before triggering enlargement effects |
enlargement_threshold | Count to reach before effects |
enlarger_increase_step | How much to increase the count by each process |
life_pref_datum | What preference you need enabled for effects on life |
max_breast_size | Largest size the chem can make a mob's breasts |
overdose_pref_datum | What preference you need enabled for effects on overdose |
pain_adjust_amount | The amount to adjust the mob's pain by |
penis_girth_increase_step | How much the penis is increased in girth each time it's run |
penis_girth_reduction_step | How much to reduce the girth of the penis each time it's run |
penis_length_increase_step | How much the penis is increased in size each time it's run |
penis_max_girth | Largest girth the chem can make a mob's penis |
penis_max_length | Largest length the chem can make a mob's penis |
penis_min_length | Smallest size the chem can make a mob's penis |
penis_minimum_girth | Smallest girth the chem can make a mob's penis |
penis_size_reduction_step | How much to reduce the size of the penis each time it's run |
pleasure_adjust_amount | The amount to adjust the mob's pleasure by |
testicles_size_increase_step | How much the testicles are increased in size each time it's run |
testicles_size_reduction_step | How much to reduce the size of the balls each time it's run |
Procs | |
change_gender | Handle changing of gender |
create_breasts | Handle creation of breasts |
create_genitals | ---- New genitalia creation ---- |
create_penis | Handle creation of penis |
create_testicles | Handle creation of testicles |
create_vagina | Handle creation of vagina |
create_womb | Handle creation of womb |
grow_balls | Handle testicle growth |
grow_breasts | Handle breast growth |
grow_penis | ---- Genital Growth ---- |
growth_to_chat | Helper function used to display the messages that appear in chat while the growth is occurring |
life_effects | Runs on life after preference checks. Use this instead of on_mob_life |
overdose_effects | Runs on OD process after preference checks. Use this instead of overdose_process |
remove_genitals | ---- Genital Removal ---- |
shrink_genitals | ---- Genital Shrinkage ---- |
shrink_penis | Handle penis shrinkage |
shrink_testicles | Handle testicle shrinkage |
update_appearance | Called after growth/shrinkage to update mob sprites |
Var Details
The amount to adjust the mob's arousal by
The size at which the testicles are considered 'big'
Make the balls enormous only when the penis reaches a certain size
% chance for testicle growth to occur
Largest size the chem can make a mob's balls
Smallest size the chem can make a mob's balls
Smallest size the chem can make a mob's breasts
How much breasts are increased in size each time it's run
How much to reduce the size of the breasts each time it's run
% chance for damage to be applied when the organ is too large and the mob is clothed
Counts up to a threshold before triggering enlargement effects
Count to reach before effects
How much to increase the count by each process
What preference you need enabled for effects on life
Largest size the chem can make a mob's breasts
What preference you need enabled for effects on overdose
The amount to adjust the mob's pain by
How much the penis is increased in girth each time it's run
How much to reduce the girth of the penis each time it's run
How much the penis is increased in size each time it's run
Largest girth the chem can make a mob's penis
Largest length the chem can make a mob's penis
Smallest size the chem can make a mob's penis
Smallest girth the chem can make a mob's penis
How much to reduce the size of the penis each time it's run
The amount to adjust the mob's pleasure by
How much the testicles are increased in size each time it's run
How much to reduce the size of the balls each time it's run
Proc Details
Handle changing of gender
exposed_mob - the mob being affected by the reagent new_gender - the gender to change to gender_fluid - whether the user has consumed both succubus milk and incubus draft simultaneously
Handle creation of breasts
exposed_mob - the mob being affected by the reagent suppress_chat - whether or not to display a message in chat mob_breasts - the mob's breasts
---- New genitalia creation ----
Handle creation of new genitals
exposed_mob - the mob being affected by the reagent suppress_chat - whether or not to display a message in chat genitals_to_create - a list of the genitals to create
Handle creation of penis
exposed_mob - the mob being affected by the reagent suppress_chat - whether or not to display a message in chat mob_penis the mob's penis
Handle creation of testicles
exposed_mob - the mob being affected by the reagent suppress_chat - whether or not to display a message in chat mob_testicles - the mob's testicles
Handle creation of vagina
exposed_mob - the mob being affected by the reagent suppress_chat - whether or not to display a message in chat mob_vagina - the mob's vagina
Handle creation of womb
exposed_mob - the mob being affected by the reagent suppress_chat - whether or not to display a message in chat mob_womb - the mob's womb
Handle testicle growth
exposed_mob - the mob being affected by the reagent suppress_chat - whether or not to display a message in chat mob_testicles - the testicles to cause to grow
Handle breast growth
exposed_mob - the mob being affected by the reagent suppress_chat - whether or not to display a message in chat mob_breasts the breasts to cause to grow
---- Genital Growth ----
Handle penis growth
exposed_mob - the mob being affected by the reagent suppress_chat - whether or not to display a message in chat mob_penis the penis to cause to grow
Helper function used to display the messages that appear in chat while the growth is occurring
exposed_mob - the mob being affected by the reagent genital - the genital that is causing the messages suppress_chat - whether or not to display a message in chat
Runs on life after preference checks. Use this instead of on_mob_life
Runs on OD process after preference checks. Use this instead of overdose_process
---- Genital Removal ----
Handle removal of old genitals
exposed_mob - the mob being affected by the reagent suppress_chat - whether or not to display a message in chat genitals_to_remove - the list of genitals to be removed message - the message to send to chat
---- Genital Shrinkage ----
Handle genital shrinkage
exposed_mob - the mob being affected by the reagent suppress_chat - whether or not to display a message in chat genitals_to_shrink - a list of the genitals to be shrunk
Handle penis shrinkage
exposed_mob - the mob being affected by the reagent suppress_chat - whether or not to display a message in chat mob_penis the penis to shrink
Handle testicle shrinkage
exposed_mob - the mob being affected by the reagent suppress_chat - whether or not to display a message in chat mob_penis, mob_testicles - the mob's penis and testicles message - the message to send to chat
Called after growth/shrinkage to update mob sprites