ICES - Intensity Credit Events System
This file is used for adjusting intensity credits. Can be called on its own, or part of a timer.
Vars | |
admin_setup | Datum that will handle admin options for forcing the event. If there are no options, just leave it as an empty list. |
dynamic_should_hijack | Whether or not dynamic should hijack this event |
intensity_restriction | Whether this event is intense enough to need special processing rules |
map_flags | Flags dictating whether this event should be run on certain kinds of map |
max_wizard_trigger_potency | Maximum wizard rituals at which to trigger this event, inclusive |
min_wizard_trigger_potency | Minimum wizard rituals at which to trigger this event, inclusive |
Procs | |
valid_for_map | Returns true if event can run in current map |
Var Details
Datum that will handle admin options for forcing the event. If there are no options, just leave it as an empty list.
Whether or not dynamic should hijack this event
Whether this event is intense enough to need special processing rules
Flags dictating whether this event should be run on certain kinds of map
Maximum wizard rituals at which to trigger this event, inclusive
Minimum wizard rituals at which to trigger this event, inclusive
Proc Details
Returns true if event can run in current map