Datumized Storage Eliminates the need for custom signals specifically for the storage component, and attaches a storage variable (atom_storage) to every atom. The parent and real_location variables are both weakrefs, so they must be resolved before they can be used. If you're looking to create custom storage type behaviors, check ../subtypes
Vars | |
allow_big_nesting | Whether we allow storage objects of the same size inside. |
allow_quick_empty | If TRUE, we can use-in-hand the storage object to dump all of its contents. |
allow_quick_gather | If TRUE, we can click on items with the storage object to pick them up and insert them. |
animated | Determines whether we play a rustle animation when inserting/removing items. |
attack_hand_interact | Whether we open when attack_handed (clicked on with an empty hand). |
can_hold | Typecache of items that can be inserted into this storage. By default, all item types can be inserted (assuming other conditions are met). Do not set directly, use set_holdable |
can_hold_description | An additional description shown on double-examine. Is autogenerated to the can_hold list if not set. |
cant_hold | Typecache of items that cannot be inserted into this storage. By default, no item types are barred from insertion. Do not set directly, use set_holdable |
click_alt_open | Switch this off if you want to handle click_alt in the parent atom |
collection_mode | The mode for collection when allow_quick_gather is enabled. See [code/__DEFINES/] |
display_contents | If TRUE, shows the contents of the storage in open_storage |
do_rustle | Determines whether we play a rustle sound when inserting/removing items. |
exception_hold | Typecache of items that can always be inserted into this storage, regardless of size. |
exception_max | For use with an exception typecache: The maximum amount of items of the exception type that can be inserted into this storage. |
insert_on_attack | do we insert items when clicked by them? |
insert_preposition | The preposition used when inserting items into this storage. IE: You put things in a bag, but on a plate. |
is_using | List of all the mobs currently viewing the contents of this storage. |
locked | Whether the storage is currently locked (inaccessible). See [code/__DEFINES/] |
max_slots | The maximum amount of items that can be inserted into this storage. |
max_specific_storage | The largest weight class that can be inserted into this storage, inclusive. |
max_total_storage | Determines the maximum amount of weight that can be inserted into this storage. Weight is calculated by the sum of all of our content's weight classes. |
modeswitch_action | Ref to the item action that toggles collectmode. |
numerical_stacking | Instead of displaying multiple items of the same type, display them as numbered contents. |
open_sound | The sound to play when we open/access the storage |
parent | A reference to the atom linked to this storage object If the parent goes, we go. Will never be null. |
quickdraw | if TRUE, alt-click takes an item out instantly rather than opening up storage. |
real_location | A reference to the atom where the items are actually stored. By default this is parent. Should generally never be null. Sometimes it's not the parent, that's what is called "dissassociated storage". |
rustle_sound | Path for the item's rustle sound. |
screen_max_columns | Maximum amount of columns a storage object can have |
screen_max_rows | Maximum amount of rows a storage object can have |
screen_pixel_x | X-pixel location of the boxes and close button |
screen_pixel_y | Y-pixel location of the boxes and close button |
screen_start_x | Where storage starts being rendered, x-screen_loc wise |
screen_start_y | Where storage starts being rendered, y-screen_loc wise |
silent | If TRUE, chat messages for inserting/removing items will not be shown. |
silent_for_user | Same as above but only for the user. Useful to cut on chat spam without removing feedback for other players. |
storage_interfaces | Associated list that keeps track of all storage UI datums per person. |
supports_smart_equip | If we support smartly removing/inserting things from ourselves |
Procs | |
add_holdable | Proc to add holdables list to an existing storage datum |
animate_parent | Gives a spiffy animation to our parent to represent opening and closing. |
attempt_insert | Attempts to insert an item into the storage |
attempt_remove | Attempts to remove an item from the storage Ignores removal do_afters. Only use this if you're doing it as part of a dumping action |
can_insert | Checks if an item is capable of being inserted into the storage. |
can_see_contents | Checks who is currently capable of viewing our storage (and is.) |
close_all | Close the storage UI for everyone viewing us. |
close_distance | Signal handler for whenever a mob walks away with us, close if they can't reach us. |
collect_on_turf | Collects every item of a type on a turf. |
contents_changed_w_class | Signal proc for COMSIG_ATOM_CONTENTS_WEIGHT_CLASS_CHANGED to drop items out of our storage if they're suddenly too heavy. |
dump_content_at | Dumps all of our contents at a specific location. |
generate_hold_desc | Generates a description, primarily for clothing storage. |
get_exception_count | Returns a count of how many items held due to exception_hold we have |
get_total_weight | Returns a sum of all of our content's weight classes |
handle_enter | Automatically ran on all object insertions: flag marking and view refreshing. |
handle_exit | Automatically ran on all object removals: flag marking and view refreshing. |
handle_mass_pickup | Inserts every item in a given list, with a progress bar |
hide_contents | Hide our storage from a mob. |
item_insertion_feedback | Provides visual feedback in chat for an item insertion |
mass_empty | Signal handler for remove_all() |
mousedrop_receive | Since items inside storages ignore transparency for QOL reasons, we're tracking when things are dropped onto them instead of our UI elements |
on_attack | Signal handler for whenever we're attacked by a mob. |
on_click_alt | Alt click on the storage item. Default: Open the storage. |
on_emp_act | Signal handler for emp_act to emp all contents |
on_item_interact | Signal handler for whenever we're attacked by an object. |
on_item_interact_secondary | Signal handler for when we get attacked with secondary click by an item. |
on_mousedrop_onto | Signal handler for whenever we drag the storage somewhere. |
on_mousedropped_onto | Signal handler for whenever something gets mouse-dropped onto us. |
on_preattack | Signal handler for preattack from an object. |
open_storage | Opens the storage to the mob, showing them the contents to their UI. |
open_storage_on_signal | Signal handler to open up the storage when we receive a signal. |
orient_storage | Updates views of all objects in storage and stretches UI to appropriate size |
process_numerical_display | Generates the numbers on an item in storage to show stacking. |
put_in_hands_async | Async version of putting something into a mobs hand. |
real_location_deleted | Signal handler for when the real location is deleted. |
refresh_views | Refresh the views of everyone currently viewing the storage. |
remove_all | Removes everything inside of our storage |
remove_and_refresh | Resets an object, removes it from our screen, and refreshes the view. |
remove_single | Allows a mob to attempt to remove a single item from the storage Allows for hooks into things like removal delays |
remove_type | Removes only a specific type of item from our storage |
reset_item | Refreshes and item to be put back into the real world, out of storage. |
return_inv | Recursive proc to get absolutely EVERYTHING inside a storage item, including the contents of inner items. |
set_parent | Set the passed atom as the parent |
set_real_location | Sets where items are physically being stored in the case it shouldn't be on the parent. |
show_contents | Show our storage to a mob. |
toggle_collection_mode | Toggles the collectmode of our storage. |
update_actions | Updates the action button for toggling collectmode. |
Var Details
Whether we allow storage objects of the same size inside.
If TRUE, we can use-in-hand the storage object to dump all of its contents.
If TRUE, we can click on items with the storage object to pick them up and insert them.
Determines whether we play a rustle animation when inserting/removing items.
Whether we open when attack_handed (clicked on with an empty hand).
Typecache of items that can be inserted into this storage. By default, all item types can be inserted (assuming other conditions are met). Do not set directly, use set_holdable
An additional description shown on double-examine. Is autogenerated to the can_hold list if not set.
Typecache of items that cannot be inserted into this storage. By default, no item types are barred from insertion. Do not set directly, use set_holdable
Switch this off if you want to handle click_alt in the parent atom
The mode for collection when allow_quick_gather is enabled. See [code/__DEFINES/]
If TRUE, shows the contents of the storage in open_storage
Determines whether we play a rustle sound when inserting/removing items.
Typecache of items that can always be inserted into this storage, regardless of size.
For use with an exception typecache: The maximum amount of items of the exception type that can be inserted into this storage.
do we insert items when clicked by them?
The preposition used when inserting items into this storage. IE: You put things in a bag, but on a plate.
List of all the mobs currently viewing the contents of this storage.
Whether the storage is currently locked (inaccessible). See [code/__DEFINES/]
The maximum amount of items that can be inserted into this storage.
The largest weight class that can be inserted into this storage, inclusive.
Determines the maximum amount of weight that can be inserted into this storage. Weight is calculated by the sum of all of our content's weight classes.
Ref to the item action that toggles collectmode.
Instead of displaying multiple items of the same type, display them as numbered contents.
The sound to play when we open/access the storage
A reference to the atom linked to this storage object If the parent goes, we go. Will never be null.
if TRUE, alt-click takes an item out instantly rather than opening up storage.
A reference to the atom where the items are actually stored. By default this is parent. Should generally never be null. Sometimes it's not the parent, that's what is called "dissassociated storage".
Do NOT set this directly, use set_real_location.
Path for the item's rustle sound.
Maximum amount of columns a storage object can have
Maximum amount of rows a storage object can have
X-pixel location of the boxes and close button
Y-pixel location of the boxes and close button
Where storage starts being rendered, x-screen_loc wise
Where storage starts being rendered, y-screen_loc wise
If TRUE, chat messages for inserting/removing items will not be shown.
Same as above but only for the user. Useful to cut on chat spam without removing feedback for other players.
Associated list that keeps track of all storage UI datums per person.
If we support smartly removing/inserting things from ourselves
Proc Details
Proc to add holdables list to an existing storage datum
Gives a spiffy animation to our parent to represent opening and closing.
Attempts to insert an item into the storage
- obj/item/to_insert - the item we're inserting
- mob/user - (optional) the user who is inserting the item.
- override - see item_insertion_feedback()
- force - bypass locked storage up to a certain level. See [code/__DEFINES/]
- messages - if TRUE, we will create balloon alerts for the user.
Attempts to remove an item from the storage Ignores removal do_afters. Only use this if you're doing it as part of a dumping action
- obj/item/thing - the object we're removing
- atom/remove_to_loc - where we're placing the item
- silent - if TRUE, we won't play any exit sounds
Checks if an item is capable of being inserted into the storage.
- obj/item/to_insert - the item we're checking
- messages - if TRUE, will print out a message if the item is not valid
- force - bypass locked storage up to a certain level. See [code/__DEFINES/]
Checks who is currently capable of viewing our storage (and is.)
Close the storage UI for everyone viewing us.
Signal handler for whenever a mob walks away with us, close if they can't reach us.
Collects every item of a type on a turf.
@param obj/item/thing the initial object to pick up @param mob/user the user who is picking up the items
Signal proc for COMSIG_ATOM_CONTENTS_WEIGHT_CLASS_CHANGED to drop items out of our storage if they're suddenly too heavy.
Dumps all of our contents at a specific location.
@param atom/dest_object where to dump to @param mob/user the user who is dumping the contents
Generates a description, primarily for clothing storage.
Returns a count of how many items held due to exception_hold we have
Returns a sum of all of our content's weight classes
Automatically ran on all object insertions: flag marking and view refreshing.
Automatically ran on all object removals: flag marking and view refreshing.
Inserts every item in a given list, with a progress bar
- mob/user - the user who is inserting the items
- list/things - the list of items to insert
- atom/thing_loc - the location of the items (used to make sure an item hasn't moved during pickup)
- list/rejections - a list used to make sure we only complain once about an invalid insertion
- datum/progressbar/progress - the progressbar used to show the progress of the insertion
Hide our storage from a mob.
- mob/to_hide - the mob to hide the storage from
Provides visual feedback in chat for an item insertion
- mob/user - the user who is inserting the item
- obj/item/thing - the item we're inserting
- override - skip feedback, only do animation check
Signal handler for remove_all()
Since items inside storages ignore transparency for QOL reasons, we're tracking when things are dropped onto them instead of our UI elements
Signal handler for whenever we're attacked by a mob.
Alt click on the storage item. Default: Open the storage.
Signal handler for emp_act to emp all contents
Signal handler for whenever we're attacked by an object.
Signal handler for when we get attacked with secondary click by an item.
Signal handler for whenever we drag the storage somewhere.
Signal handler for whenever something gets mouse-dropped onto us.
Signal handler for preattack from an object.
Opens the storage to the mob, showing them the contents to their UI.
Signal handler to open up the storage when we receive a signal.
Updates views of all objects in storage and stretches UI to appropriate size
Generates the numbers on an item in storage to show stacking.
Async version of putting something into a mobs hand.
Signal handler for when the real location is deleted.
Refresh the views of everyone currently viewing the storage.
Removes everything inside of our storage
- atom/drop_loc - where we're placing the item
Resets an object, removes it from our screen, and refreshes the view.
@param atom/movable/gone the object leaving our storage
Allows a mob to attempt to remove a single item from the storage Allows for hooks into things like removal delays
- mob/removing - the mob doing the removing
- obj/item/thing - the object we're removing
- atom/remove_to_loc - where we're placing the item
- silent - if TRUE, we won't play any exit sounds
Removes only a specific type of item from our storage
- type - the type of item to remove
- amount - how many we should attempt to pick up at one time
- check_adjacent - if TRUE, we'll check adjacent locations for the item type
- force - if TRUE, we'll bypass the check_adjacent check all together
- mob/user - the user who is removing the items
- list/inserted - (optional) allows consumers to pass a list to be filled with all removed items.
Refreshes and item to be put back into the real world, out of storage.
Recursive proc to get absolutely EVERYTHING inside a storage item, including the contents of inner items.
- recursive - whether or not we're checking inside of inner items
Set the passed atom as the parent
Sets where items are physically being stored in the case it shouldn't be on the parent.
Does not handle moving any existing items, that must be done manually.
- atom/new_real_location - the new real location of the datum
- should_drop - if TRUE, all the items in the old real location will be dropped.
Show our storage to a mob.
- mob/to_show - the mob to show the storage to
- FALSE if the show failed
- TRUE otherwise
Toggles the collectmode of our storage.
@param mob/to_show the mob toggling us
Updates the action button for toggling collectmode.