Vars | |
brute_heal_amount | How much healing the sugery gives. |
burn_heal_amount | How much healing the sugery gives. |
heals_brute | If this surgery is healing brute damage. Set during operation steps. |
heals_burn | If this surgery is healing burn damage. Set during operation steps. |
missing_health_bonus | Heals an extra point of damage per X missing damage of type (burn damage for burn healing, brute for brute). Smaller number = more healing! |
Procs | |
get_progress | Args: |
Var Details
How much healing the sugery gives.
How much healing the sugery gives.
If this surgery is healing brute damage. Set during operation steps.
If this surgery is healing burn damage. Set during operation steps.
Heals an extra point of damage per X missing damage of type (burn damage for burn healing, brute for brute). Smaller number = more healing!
Proc Details
- mob/user: The user performing this surgery.
- mob/living/carbon/target: The target of the surgery.
- brute_healed: The amount of brute we just healed.
- burn_healed: The amount of burn we just healed.
- A string containing either an estimation of how much longer the surgery will take, or exact numbers of the remaining damages, depending on if a health analyzer is held or not.