/tg/ Station 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details

Vote Singleton

A singleton datum that represents a type of vote for the voting subsystem.

Vote Singleton

A singleton datum that represents a type of vote for the voting subsystem.


choicesAn assoc list of [all choices] to [number of votes in the current running vote].
choices_by_ckeyA assoc list of [ckey] to [what they voted for in the current running vote].
contains_vote_in_nameDoes the name of this vote contain the word "vote"?
count_methodThe counting method we use for votes.
default_choicesA list of default choices we have for this vote.
default_messageWhat message do we show as the tooltip of this vote if the vote can be initiated?
display_statisticsShould we show details about the number of votes submitted for each option?
nameThe name of the vote.
override_questionIf supplied, an override question will be displayed instead of the name of the vote.
started_timeThe world time this vote was started.
time_remainingThe time remaining in this vote's run.
vote_soundThe sound effect played to everyone when this vote is initiated.
winner_methodThe method for selecting a winner.


can_be_initiatedChecks if the passed mob can initiate this vote.
create_voteCalled prior to the vote being initiated.
finalize_voteCalled when a vote is actually all said and done. Apply actual vote effects here.
get_random_winnerGets the winner of the vote, selecting a random choice from all choices based on their vote count.
get_result_textGets the resulting text displayed when the vote is completed.
get_simple_winnerGets the winner of the vote, selecting the choice with the most votes.
get_vote_resultGets the result of the vote.
get_winner_textGets the text that displays the winning options within the result text.
initiate_voteCalled when this vote is actually initiated.
is_accessible_voteUsed to determine if this vote is a possible vote type for the vote subsystem.
is_config_enabledIf this vote has a config associated, returns its value (True or False, usually). If it has no config, returns -1.
resetResets our vote to its default state.
tiebreakerHow this vote handles a tiebreaker between multiple winners.
toggle_votableIf this vote has a config associated, toggles it between enabled and disabled.

Var Details


An assoc list of [all choices] to [number of votes in the current running vote].


A assoc list of [ckey] to [what they voted for in the current running vote].


Does the name of this vote contain the word "vote"?


The counting method we use for votes.


A list of default choices we have for this vote.


What message do we show as the tooltip of this vote if the vote can be initiated?


Should we show details about the number of votes submitted for each option?


The name of the vote.


If supplied, an override question will be displayed instead of the name of the vote.


The world time this vote was started.


The time remaining in this vote's run.


The sound effect played to everyone when this vote is initiated.


The method for selecting a winner.

Proc Details


Checks if the passed mob can initiate this vote.

Return VOTE_AVAILABLE if the mob can initiate the vote. Return a string with the reason why the mob can't initiate the vote.


Called prior to the vote being initiated.

Return FALSE to prevent the vote from being initiated.


Called when a vote is actually all said and done. Apply actual vote effects here.


Gets the winner of the vote, selecting a random choice from all choices based on their vote count.


Gets the resulting text displayed when the vote is completed.

all_winners - list of all options that won. Can be multiple, in the event of ties. real_winner - the option that actually won. non_voters - a list of all ckeys who didn't vote in the vote.

Return a formatted string of text to be displayed to everyone.


Gets the winner of the vote, selecting the choice with the most votes.


Gets the result of the vote.

non_voters - a list of all ckeys who didn't vote in the vote.

Returns a list of all options that won. If there were no votes at all, the list will be length = 0, non-null. If only one option one, the list will be length = 1. If there was a tie, the list will be length > 1.


Gets the text that displays the winning options within the result text.

all_winners - list of all options that won. Can be multiple, in the event of ties. real_winner - the option that actually won. non_voters - a list of all ckeys who didn't vote in the vote.

Return a formatted string of text to be displayed to everyone.


Called when this vote is actually initiated.

Return a string - the text displayed to the world when the vote is initiated.


Used to determine if this vote is a possible vote type for the vote subsystem.

If FALSE is returned, this vote singleton will not be created when the vote subsystem initializes, meaning no one will be able to hold this vote.


If this vote has a config associated, returns its value (True or False, usually). If it has no config, returns -1.


Resets our vote to its default state.


How this vote handles a tiebreaker between multiple winners.


If this vote has a config associated, toggles it between enabled and disabled.