/tg/ Station 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details



active_traumaIf we suffer severe head booboos, we can get brain traumas tied to them
aftershock_stopped_moving_score_multIf the victim stops moving before the aftershock, aftershock effects will be multiplied against this.
base_aftershock_camera_shake_durationThe base duration of a stagger's aftershock's camerashake.
base_aftershock_camera_shake_strengthThe base strength of a stagger's aftershock's camerashake.
base_movement_stagger_scoreThe base score given to stagger() when we successfully stagger on a move.
base_stagger_movement_shake_durationThe base duration of a stagger()'s sprite shaking if caused by movement.
base_stagger_shake_durationThe base duration of a stagger()'s sprite shaking.
brain_trauma_groupWhat brain trauma group, if any, we can draw from for head wounds
chest_attacked_stagger_chance_ratioThe ratio of damage to stagger chance on hit.
chest_attacked_stagger_minimum_scoreThe minimum score an attack must do to trigger a stagger.
chest_attacked_stagger_multThe ratio damage applied will be multiplied against for determining our stagger score.
chest_movement_stagger_chanceThe base chance of moving to trigger stagger().
last_time_victim_movedThe last time our victim has moved. Used for determining if we should increase or decrease the chance of having stagger aftershock.
limb_burn_percent_to_max_threshold_for_malleableThe percent our limb must get to max possible damage by burn damage alone to count as malleable if it has no T2 burn wound.
movement_stagger_cooldownWhenever an oscillation is triggered by movement, we wait 4 seconds before trying to do another.
movement_stagger_shiftThe amount of x and y pixels we will be shaken around by during a movement stagger.
next_trauma_cycleIf we deal brain traumas, when is the next one due?
oscillatingIf we are currently oscillating. If true, we cannot stagger().
percussive_maintenance_damage_maxDamage must be under this to proc percussive maintenance.
percussive_maintenance_damage_minDamage must be over this to proc percussive maintenance.
percussive_maintenance_repair_chance% chance for hitting our limb to fix something.
stagger_aftershock_knockdown_movement_ratioIn the stagger after shock, the stagger score will be multiplied against this (if caused by movement) for determining how long we are knocked down for.
stagger_aftershock_knockdown_ratioIn the stagger aftershock, the stagger score will be multiplied against for determining how long we are knocked down for.
stagger_camera_shake_chance_ratioThe ratio of stagger score to camera shake chance.
stagger_drop_chance_ratioIn the stagger aftershock, the stagger score will be multiplied against for determining the chance of dropping held items.
stagger_fall_chance_ratioIn the stagger aftershock, the stagger score will be multiplied against for determining the chance of falling over.
stagger_movement_chance_ratioThe ratio stagger score will be multiplied against for determining the final chance of moving away from the attacker.
stagger_score_to_shake_duration_ratioThe ratio of stagger score to shake duration during a stagger() call
stagger_shake_shift_ratioThe ratio stagger score will be multiplied against for determining the amount of pixelshifting we will do when we are hit.
time_til_next_movement_shake_allowedThe time, in world time, that we will be allowed to do another movement shake. Useful because it lets us prioritize attacked shakes over movement shakes.
trauma_cycle_cooldownHow long do we wait +/- 20% for the next trauma?


aftershockTimer proc from stagger().
get_buckled_movement_consequence_multReturns a multiplier to our movement effects based on what our victim is buckled to.
get_overheat_woundIf we have one, returns a robotic overheat wound of severe severity or higher. Null otherwise.
handle_percussive_maintenance_failureCalled when percussive maintenance fails at its random roll.
handle_percussive_maintenance_successCalled when percussive maintenance succeeds at its random roll.
limb_malleableIf true, allows our superstructure to be modified if we are T3. RCDs can always fix our superstructure.
staggerCauses an oscillation, which 1. has a chance to move our victim away from the attacker, and 2. after a delay, calls aftershock().
uses_percussive_maintenanceIf this wound can be treated in its current state by just hitting it with a low force object. Exists for conditional logic, e.g. "Should we respond to percussive maintenance right now?". Critical blunt uses this to only react when the limb is malleable and superstructure is broken.
victim_attackedSignal handler proc to when our victim has damage applied via apply_damage(), which is a external attack.
victim_movedSignal handler proc that applies movements affect to our victim if they were moved.

Var Details


If we suffer severe head booboos, we can get brain traumas tied to them


If the victim stops moving before the aftershock, aftershock effects will be multiplied against this.


The base duration of a stagger's aftershock's camerashake.


The base strength of a stagger's aftershock's camerashake.


The base score given to stagger() when we successfully stagger on a move.


The base duration of a stagger()'s sprite shaking if caused by movement.


The base duration of a stagger()'s sprite shaking.


What brain trauma group, if any, we can draw from for head wounds


The ratio of damage to stagger chance on hit.


The minimum score an attack must do to trigger a stagger.


The ratio damage applied will be multiplied against for determining our stagger score.


The base chance of moving to trigger stagger().


The last time our victim has moved. Used for determining if we should increase or decrease the chance of having stagger aftershock.


The percent our limb must get to max possible damage by burn damage alone to count as malleable if it has no T2 burn wound.


Whenever an oscillation is triggered by movement, we wait 4 seconds before trying to do another.


The amount of x and y pixels we will be shaken around by during a movement stagger.


If we deal brain traumas, when is the next one due?


If we are currently oscillating. If true, we cannot stagger().


Damage must be under this to proc percussive maintenance.


Damage must be over this to proc percussive maintenance.


% chance for hitting our limb to fix something.


In the stagger after shock, the stagger score will be multiplied against this (if caused by movement) for determining how long we are knocked down for.


In the stagger aftershock, the stagger score will be multiplied against for determining how long we are knocked down for.


The ratio of stagger score to camera shake chance.


In the stagger aftershock, the stagger score will be multiplied against for determining the chance of dropping held items.


In the stagger aftershock, the stagger score will be multiplied against for determining the chance of falling over.


The ratio stagger score will be multiplied against for determining the final chance of moving away from the attacker.


The ratio of stagger score to shake duration during a stagger() call


The ratio stagger score will be multiplied against for determining the amount of pixelshifting we will do when we are hit.


The time, in world time, that we will be allowed to do another movement shake. Useful because it lets us prioritize attacked shakes over movement shakes.


How long do we wait +/- 20% for the next trauma?

Proc Details


Timer proc from stagger().

Based on chance, causes items to be dropped, knockdown to be applied, and/or screenshake to occur. Chance is massively reduced if the victim isn't moving.


Returns a multiplier to our movement effects based on what our victim is buckled to.


If we have one, returns a robotic overheat wound of severe severity or higher. Null otherwise.


Called when percussive maintenance fails at its random roll.


Called when percussive maintenance succeeds at its random roll.


If true, allows our superstructure to be modified if we are T3. RCDs can always fix our superstructure.


Causes an oscillation, which 1. has a chance to move our victim away from the attacker, and 2. after a delay, calls aftershock().


If this wound can be treated in its current state by just hitting it with a low force object. Exists for conditional logic, e.g. "Should we respond to percussive maintenance right now?". Critical blunt uses this to only react when the limb is malleable and superstructure is broken.


Signal handler proc to when our victim has damage applied via apply_damage(), which is a external attack.


Signal handler proc that applies movements affect to our victim if they were moved.