Vars | |
disable_at_intensity_mult | If [get_intensity_mult()] is at or above this, the limb gets disabled. If null, it will never occur. |
heat_differential_healing_mult | The mult that heat differences between normal and bodytemp threshold is multiplied against. Controls passive heat healing. |
heat_heal_message_chance | Percent chance for a heat repair to give the victim a message. |
heat_thresh_to_heal | The bodyheat our victim must be at or above to start getting passive healing. |
initial_sparks_amount | How many sparks do we spawn when we're gained? |
intensity | The overall "intensity" of this wound. Goes up to [processing_full_shock_threshold], and is used for determining our effect scaling. Measured in deciseconds. |
limb_unimportant_damage_mult | Mult for our damage if we are unimportant. |
limb_unimportant_progress_mult | Mult for our progress if we are unimportant. |
minimum_intensity | If [intensity] is at or below this, we remove ourselves. |
overall_effect_mult | The basic multiplier to all our effects. Damage, progress, etc. |
process_shock_message_chance | The chance for each processed shock to message the user. |
process_shock_spark_count_max | How many sparks we spawn if a shock sparks. Upper bound |
process_shock_spark_count_min | How many sparks we spawn if a shock sparks. Lower bound |
processing_full_shock_threshold | The time, in deciseconds, it takes to reach 100% power. |
processing_shock_power_per_second_max | How much shock power we add to [processing_shock_power_this_tick] per tick. Upper bound |
processing_shock_power_per_second_min | How much shock power we add to [processing_shock_power_this_tick] per tick. Lower bound |
processing_shock_power_this_tick | In the case we get below 1 power, we add the power to this buffer and use it next tick. |
processing_shock_spark_chance | The chance for each processed shock to spark. |
processing_shock_stun_chance | The chance for each processed shock to stun the user. |
seconds_per_intensity_mult | Simple mult for how much of real time is added to [intensity]. |
shock_immunity_self_damage_reduction | How much of our damage is reduced if the target is shock immune. Percent. |
wire_repair_percent | The percent, in decimal, a successful wire use will reduce intensity by. |
wirecut_repair_percent | The percent, in decimal, a successful wirecut use will reduce intensity by. |
Procs | |
adjust_intensity | Changes intensity by the given amount, and then updates our status, removing ourselves if fixed. |
do_suture_repairs | Does a while loop that repairs us with cables. A proc for containing runtimes and allowing trait removal at all times. |
do_wirecutter_repairs | Does a while loop that repairs us with a wirecutter. A proc for containing runtimes and allowing trait removal at all times. |
fixed | Should we remove ourselves? |
get_base_mult | Returns the global multiplier used by both progress and damage. |
get_damage_mult | Returns the multiplier used by the damage we deal. |
get_heat_healing | Returns how many deciseconds progress should be reduced by, based on the current heat of our victim's body. |
get_intensity_mult | Returns the multiplier we apply to our outgoing damage based off our current intensity. Is always between 0-1. |
get_progress_mult | Returns the multiplier used by our intensity progress. Intensity increment is multiplied against this. |
get_wound_status_info | Returns a string with our fault intensity and threshold to removal for use in health analyzers. |
modify_progress_after_progress_mult | Is called after seconds_for_intensity is modified by get_progress_mult(). |
remove_if_fixed | If fixed() is true, we remove ourselves and return TRUE. FALSE otherwise. |
suture_wires | The "trauma" treatment, done with cables/sutures. Sutures get a debuff. Low self-tend penalty. Very fast, but low value. Eats up wires for breakfast. Has limited wire/HUD bonuses. If you're a robo, use a wirecutter instead. |
wirecut | The "proper" treatment, done with wirecutters/retractors. Retractors get a debuff. High self-tend penalty. Slow, but high value. Has high wire/HUD bonuses. The ideal treatment for a robo. |
zap | Wrapper for electrocute_act |
Var Details
If [get_intensity_mult()] is at or above this, the limb gets disabled. If null, it will never occur.
The mult that heat differences between normal and bodytemp threshold is multiplied against. Controls passive heat healing.
Percent chance for a heat repair to give the victim a message.
The bodyheat our victim must be at or above to start getting passive healing.
How many sparks do we spawn when we're gained?
The overall "intensity" of this wound. Goes up to [processing_full_shock_threshold], and is used for determining our effect scaling. Measured in deciseconds.
Mult for our damage if we are unimportant.
Mult for our progress if we are unimportant.
If [intensity] is at or below this, we remove ourselves.
The basic multiplier to all our effects. Damage, progress, etc.
The chance for each processed shock to message the user.
How many sparks we spawn if a shock sparks. Upper bound
How many sparks we spawn if a shock sparks. Lower bound
The time, in deciseconds, it takes to reach 100% power.
How much shock power we add to [processing_shock_power_this_tick] per tick. Upper bound
How much shock power we add to [processing_shock_power_this_tick] per tick. Lower bound
In the case we get below 1 power, we add the power to this buffer and use it next tick.
The chance for each processed shock to spark.
The chance for each processed shock to stun the user.
Simple mult for how much of real time is added to [intensity].
How much of our damage is reduced if the target is shock immune. Percent.
The percent, in decimal, a successful wire use will reduce intensity by.
The percent, in decimal, a successful wirecut use will reduce intensity by.
Proc Details
Changes intensity by the given amount, and then updates our status, removing ourselves if fixed.
Does a while loop that repairs us with cables. A proc for containing runtimes and allowing trait removal at all times.
Does a while loop that repairs us with a wirecutter. A proc for containing runtimes and allowing trait removal at all times.
Should we remove ourselves?
Returns the global multiplier used by both progress and damage.
Returns the multiplier used by the damage we deal.
Returns how many deciseconds progress should be reduced by, based on the current heat of our victim's body.
Returns the multiplier we apply to our outgoing damage based off our current intensity. Is always between 0-1.
Returns the multiplier used by our intensity progress. Intensity increment is multiplied against this.
Returns a string with our fault intensity and threshold to removal for use in health analyzers.
Is called after seconds_for_intensity is modified by get_progress_mult().
If fixed() is true, we remove ourselves and return TRUE. FALSE otherwise.
The "trauma" treatment, done with cables/sutures. Sutures get a debuff. Low self-tend penalty. Very fast, but low value. Eats up wires for breakfast. Has limited wire/HUD bonuses. If you're a robo, use a wirecutter instead.
The "proper" treatment, done with wirecutters/retractors. Retractors get a debuff. High self-tend penalty. Slow, but high value. Has high wire/HUD bonuses. The ideal treatment for a robo.
Wrapper for electrocute_act