/tg/ Station 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details



access_cardour access card
additional_accessThe trim type that will grant additional acces
announcement_typeType of bot_announcement ability we want
bot_access_flagsBot-related cover flags on the Bot to deal with what has been done to their cover, including emagging. BOT_COVER_MAINTS_OPEN | BOT_COVER_LOCKED | BOT_COVER_EMAGGED | BOT_COVER_HACKED
bot_mode_flagsBot-related mode flags on the Bot indicating how they will act. BOT_MODE_ON | BOT_MODE_AUTOPATROL | BOT_MODE_REMOTE_ENABLED | BOT_MODE_CAN_BE_SAPIENT | BOT_MODE_ROUNDSTART_POSSESSION DO NOT MODIFY MANUALLY, USE set_bot_mode_flags. If you don't shit breaks BAD
bot_typeThe type of bot it is, for radio control.
calling_ai_refLinks a bot to the AI calling it.
can_be_possessedIf true we will allow ghosts to control this mob
current_pathed_turfslist of all layed path icons
data_hud_typeThe type of data HUD the bot uses. Diagnostic by default.
hackablesSmall name of what the bot gets messed with when getting hacked/emagged.
initial_accessAll initial access this bot started with.
internal_radioThe bot's radio, for speaking to people.
modeStandardizes the vars that indicate the bot is busy with its function.
offer_ghosts_cooldownIf true we will offer this
on_toggle_traitslist of traits we apply and remove when turning on/off
pa_systemAction we use to say voice lines out loud, also we just pass anything we try to say through here just in case it plays a voice line
paicardThe inserted (if any) pAI in this bot.
path_image_colorwhat color this path icon will use
path_image_iconfile the path icon is stored in
path_image_icon_statestate of the path icon
possessed_messageMessage to display upon possession
radio_channelThe bot's default radio channel
radio_keywhich channels can the bot listen to
robot_armThe Robot arm attached to this robot - has a 50% chance to drop on death.


check_possessionReturns true if this mob can be controlled
clear_path_hudproc that handles deleting the bot's drawn path when needed
disable_possessionDisables this bot from being possessed by ghosts
eject_pai_remoteEjects the pAI remotely.
ejectpaiEjects a pAI from this bot
enable_possessionAllows this bot to be controlled by a ghost, who will become its mind
generate_bot_pathproc that handles drawing and transforming the bot's path onto diagnostic huds
get_emagged_messageReturns a string of flavor text for emagged bots as defined by policy.
get_mode_uiReturns a status string about the bot's current status, if it's moving, manually controlled, or idle.
handle_loop_movementproc that handles moving along the bot's drawn path
insertpaiPlaces a pAI in control of this mob
post_possessionFired after something takes control of this mob
renameAllows renaming the bot to something else
speakPass a message to have the bot say() it, passing through our announcement action to potentially also play a sound. Optionally pass a frequency to say it on the radio.
topic_deniedAccess check proc for bot topics! Remember to place in a bot's individual Topic if desired.

Var Details


our access card


The trim type that will grant additional acces


Type of bot_announcement ability we want


Bot-related cover flags on the Bot to deal with what has been done to their cover, including emagging. BOT_COVER_MAINTS_OPEN | BOT_COVER_LOCKED | BOT_COVER_EMAGGED | BOT_COVER_HACKED


Bot-related mode flags on the Bot indicating how they will act. BOT_MODE_ON | BOT_MODE_AUTOPATROL | BOT_MODE_REMOTE_ENABLED | BOT_MODE_CAN_BE_SAPIENT | BOT_MODE_ROUNDSTART_POSSESSION DO NOT MODIFY MANUALLY, USE set_bot_mode_flags. If you don't shit breaks BAD


The type of bot it is, for radio control.


Links a bot to the AI calling it.


If true we will allow ghosts to control this mob


list of all layed path icons


The type of data HUD the bot uses. Diagnostic by default.


Small name of what the bot gets messed with when getting hacked/emagged.


All initial access this bot started with.


The bot's radio, for speaking to people.


Standardizes the vars that indicate the bot is busy with its function.


If true we will offer this


list of traits we apply and remove when turning on/off


Action we use to say voice lines out loud, also we just pass anything we try to say through here just in case it plays a voice line


The inserted (if any) pAI in this bot.


what color this path icon will use


file the path icon is stored in


state of the path icon


Message to display upon possession


The bot's default radio channel


which channels can the bot listen to


The Robot arm attached to this robot - has a 50% chance to drop on death.

Proc Details


Returns true if this mob can be controlled


proc that handles deleting the bot's drawn path when needed


Disables this bot from being possessed by ghosts


Ejects the pAI remotely.


Ejects a pAI from this bot


Allows this bot to be controlled by a ghost, who will become its mind


proc that handles drawing and transforming the bot's path onto diagnostic huds


Returns a string of flavor text for emagged bots as defined by policy.


Returns a status string about the bot's current status, if it's moving, manually controlled, or idle.


proc that handles moving along the bot's drawn path


Places a pAI in control of this mob


Fired after something takes control of this mob


Allows renaming the bot to something else


Pass a message to have the bot say() it, passing through our announcement action to potentially also play a sound. Optionally pass a frequency to say it on the radio.


Access check proc for bot topics! Remember to place in a bot's individual Topic if desired.