/tg/ Station 13 - Modules - Types


/datum/config_entry/flag/sql_game_logWhether or not we log game logs to the SQL database. Requires the SQL database to function, as well as our Skyrat-only table, game_log.
/datum/config_entry/flag/file_game_logWhether or not we log game logs to files on the server when we're already logging them on the server, if SQL_GAME_LOG is enabled.
/datum/config_entry/number/sql_game_log_min_bundle_sizeThe minimum amount of entries there should be in the list of game logs for a mass query to be sent to the database. Depends on SQL_GAME_LOG being enabled, doesn't mean anything otherwise. Setting this to a value that's too low risks to severely affect perceptible performance, due to a high amount of sleeps being involved with running queries.
/datum/config_entry/number/event_frequency_upperUpper value for random events at highpop.
/datum/config_entry/number/event_frequency_lowerLower value for random events at highpop.
/datum/config_entry/number/intensity_credit_rateRate at which high intensity random events are limited to occur.
/datum/config_entry/number/ticket_ping_frequencyTicket ping frequency. Set 0 for disable that subsystem. 3000 - 5 minutes, 600 - 1 minute.
/datum/config_entry/flag/split_threat_budgetSplit the threat budget between roundstart and midrounds