/tg/ Station 13 - Modules - Types


/datum/config_entry/flag/min_flavor_textConfig entry for enabling flavortext min character count, good to disable for debugging purposes
/datum/config_entry/number/flavor_text_character_requirementConfig entry for enabling flavortext min character count, good to disable for debugging purposes
/datum/config_entry/flag/mentors_mobname_onlyDefines whether or not mentors can see ckeys alongside mobnames.
/datum/config_entry/flag/donator_legacy_systemDefines whether the server uses the legacy donator system with donators.txt or the SQL system.
/datum/config_entry/flag/mentor_legacy_systemDefines whether the server uses the legacy mentor system with mentors.txt or the SQL system.
/datum/config_entry/flag/veteran_legacy_systemDefines whether the server uses the legacy veteran system with veteran_players.txt or the SQL system.