Vars | |
charge_delay | Time it takes to regenerate one plane |
charging | Is the crossbow currently charging a new paper plane? |
max_planes | Maximum of planes the crossbow can hold. |
planes | How many planes does the crossbow currently have in its internal magazine? |
shooting_cooldown | Are we ready to fire again? |
shooting_delay | How long is the cooldown between shots? |
Procs | |
charge_paper_planes | A simple proc to charge paper planes, that then calls [/obj/item/borg/paperplane_crossbow/proc/check_amount()] to see if it should charge another one, over and over. |
check_amount | A simple proc to check if we're at the max amount of planes, if not, we keep on charging. Called by [/obj/item/borg/paperplane_crossbow/proc/charge_paper_planes()]. |
shoot | A proc for shooting a projectile at the target, it's just that simple, really. |
Var Details
Time it takes to regenerate one plane
Is the crossbow currently charging a new paper plane?
Maximum of planes the crossbow can hold.
How many planes does the crossbow currently have in its internal magazine?
Are we ready to fire again?
How long is the cooldown between shots?
Proc Details
A simple proc to charge paper planes, that then calls [/obj/item/borg/paperplane_crossbow/proc/check_amount()] to see if it should charge another one, over and over.
A simple proc to check if we're at the max amount of planes, if not, we keep on charging. Called by [/obj/item/borg/paperplane_crossbow/proc/charge_paper_planes()].
A proc for shooting a projectile at the target, it's just that simple, really.