Vars | |
accessory_overlay | The overlay of the accessory we're demonstrating. Only index 1 will show up. This is the overlay on the MOB, not the item itself. |
adjusted | If adjusted what style are we currently using? |
alt_covers_chest | For adjusted/rolled-down jumpsuits. FALSE = exposes chest and arms, TRUE = exposes arms only |
attached_accessories | A list of all accessories attached to us. |
can_adjust | Can this suit be adjustd up or down to an alt style |
female_sprite_flags | The variable containing the flags for how the woman uniform cropping is supposed to interact with the sprite. |
freshly_laundered | Has this undersuit been freshly laundered and, as such, imparts a mood bonus for wearing |
gets_cropped_on_taurs | Does this object get cropped when worn by a taur on their suit or uniform slot? |
has_sensor | Does this undersuit have suit sensors in general |
max_number_of_accessories | The max number of accessories we can have on this suit. |
random_sensor | Does this undersuit spawn with a random sensor value |
sensor_mode | What is the active sensor mode of this udnersuit |
Procs | |
adjust_to_alt | Helper to adjust to alt jumpsuit state |
adjust_to_normal | Helper to reset to normal jumpsuit state |
attach_accessory | Attach the passed accessory to the clothing item |
can_toggle_sensors | Checks if the toggler is allowed to toggle suit sensors currently |
create_accessory_overlay | Handles creating the worn overlay mutable appearance Only the first accessory attached is displayed (currently) |
dump_attachments | Helper to remove all attachments to the passed location |
list_accessories_with_icon | Helper to list out all accessories with an icon besides it, for use in examine |
modify_accessory_overlay | Setup the final version of accessory_overlay given custom species options. |
pop_accessory | Removes (pops) the topmost accessory from the accessories list and puts it in the user's hands if supplied |
remove_accessory | Removes the passed accesory from our accessories list |
toggle_jumpsuit_adjust | Helper to toggle the jumpsuit style, if possible Returns the new state |
update_accessory_overlay | Updates the accessory's worn overlay mutable appearance |
Var Details
The overlay of the accessory we're demonstrating. Only index 1 will show up. This is the overlay on the MOB, not the item itself.
If adjusted what style are we currently using?
For adjusted/rolled-down jumpsuits. FALSE = exposes chest and arms, TRUE = exposes arms only
A list of all accessories attached to us.
Can this suit be adjustd up or down to an alt style
The variable containing the flags for how the woman uniform cropping is supposed to interact with the sprite.
Has this undersuit been freshly laundered and, as such, imparts a mood bonus for wearing
Does this object get cropped when worn by a taur on their suit or uniform slot?
Does this undersuit have suit sensors in general
The max number of accessories we can have on this suit.
Does this undersuit spawn with a random sensor value
What is the active sensor mode of this udnersuit
Proc Details
Helper to adjust to alt jumpsuit state
Helper to reset to normal jumpsuit state
Attach the passed accessory to the clothing item
Checks if the toggler is allowed to toggle suit sensors currently
Handles creating the worn overlay mutable appearance Only the first accessory attached is displayed (currently)
Helper to remove all attachments to the passed location
Helper to list out all accessories with an icon besides it, for use in examine
Setup the final version of accessory_overlay given custom species options.
Removes (pops) the topmost accessory from the accessories list and puts it in the user's hands if supplied
Removes the passed accesory from our accessories list
Helper to toggle the jumpsuit style, if possible Returns the new state
Updates the accessory's worn overlay mutable appearance