Vars | |
currently_selected_mode | What the currently selected weapon mode is, for quickly referencing for use in procs and whatnot |
currently_switching_types | Is the gun currently changing types? Prevents the gun from firing if yes |
default_selected_mode | Name of the firing mode that is selected by default |
disabled_for_other_reasons | Allows firing of the gun to be disabled for any reason, for example, if a gun has a melee mode |
expanded_examine_text | What is this gun's extended examine, we only have to do this because the carbine is a subtype |
last_charge | Keeps track of the last processed charge, prevents message spam |
last_speech | A cooldown for when the weapon has last spoken, prevents messages from getting turbo spammed |
personality_mode | If the gun's personality speech thing is on, defaults to on because just listen to her |
radial_menu_data | Info for the radial menu for switching weapon mode |
speech_json_file | The json file this gun pulls from when speaking |
tracked_soulcatcher | Keeps track of our soulcatcher component |
transition_duration | How long transitioning takes before you're allowed to pick a weapon type |
weapon_mode_name_to_path | Populates with a list of weapon mode names and their respective paths on init |
weapon_mode_options | What datums of weapon modes can we use? |
Procs | |
change_to_switch_mode | Makes the gun inoperable, playing an animation and giving a prompt to switch gun modes after the transition_duration passes |
create_weapon_mode_stuff | Handles filling out all of the lists regarding weapon modes and radials around that |
show_radial_choice_menu | Shows the radial choice menu to the user, if the user doesnt exist or isnt holding the gun anymore, it reverts back to its last form |
speak_up | Makes the gun speak with a sound effect and colored runetext based on the mode the gun is in, reads the gun's speech json as defined through variables |
transform_gun | Transforms the gun into a different type, if replacing is set to true then it'll make sure to remove any effects the prior gun type had |
user_ci_toggled | Triggers when a mob user toggles CI |
Var Details
What the currently selected weapon mode is, for quickly referencing for use in procs and whatnot
Is the gun currently changing types? Prevents the gun from firing if yes
Name of the firing mode that is selected by default
Allows firing of the gun to be disabled for any reason, for example, if a gun has a melee mode
What is this gun's extended examine, we only have to do this because the carbine is a subtype
Keeps track of the last processed charge, prevents message spam
A cooldown for when the weapon has last spoken, prevents messages from getting turbo spammed
If the gun's personality speech thing is on, defaults to on because just listen to her
Info for the radial menu for switching weapon mode
The json file this gun pulls from when speaking
Keeps track of our soulcatcher component
How long transitioning takes before you're allowed to pick a weapon type
Populates with a list of weapon mode names and their respective paths on init
What datums of weapon modes can we use?
Proc Details
Makes the gun inoperable, playing an animation and giving a prompt to switch gun modes after the transition_duration passes
Handles filling out all of the lists regarding weapon modes and radials around that
Shows the radial choice menu to the user, if the user doesnt exist or isnt holding the gun anymore, it reverts back to its last form
Makes the gun speak with a sound effect and colored runetext based on the mode the gun is in, reads the gun's speech json as defined through variables
Transforms the gun into a different type, if replacing is set to true then it'll make sure to remove any effects the prior gun type had
Triggers when a mob user toggles CI