/tg/ Station 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details


Yes. This is a lot of code frankensteining. I am not proud of my work but damned am i proud it works... Atleast if you're seeing this it works.


adding_failurethe number that is added to the failure_prob, which is the probability of whether it will spread or not
fieldlimitthe number of fields the resonator is allowed to have at once
fieldsthe list of currently active fields from this resonator
modethe mode of the resonator; has three modes: auto (1), manual (2), and matrix (3)
quick_burst_modHow devestating it is in manual mode. Yes, this is all copied from the resonator item

Var Details


the number that is added to the failure_prob, which is the probability of whether it will spread or not


the number of fields the resonator is allowed to have at once


the list of currently active fields from this resonator


the mode of the resonator; has three modes: auto (1), manual (2), and matrix (3)


How devestating it is in manual mode. Yes, this is all copied from the resonator item