Vars | |
breacher | The person breaching , initially us but we receive a signal with another one |
breaching | If we are in the process of breaching |
breaching_delay | Delay between door hits |
breaching_multipler | the amount that the force is multiplied by , that is then applied as damage to the door. |
breaching_target | The door we aim to breach |
registered | If we are tracking the door and ourselves |
Procs | |
breaching_loop | Keeps looping under the door is no more , or someone moves , gets shot , dies , incapacitated , stunned , etc |
remove_track | Removes any form of tracking from the user and the item , make sure to call it on he proper item |
try_breaching | Does the checks for breaching |
Var Details
The person breaching , initially us but we receive a signal with another one
If we are in the process of breaching
Delay between door hits
the amount that the force is multiplied by , that is then applied as damage to the door.
The door we aim to breach
If we are tracking the door and ourselves
Proc Details
Keeps looping under the door is no more , or someone moves , gets shot , dies , incapacitated , stunned , etc
Removes any form of tracking from the user and the item , make sure to call it on he proper item
Does the checks for breaching