/tg/ Station 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details


System for drawing organs with overlays. These overlays are drawn directly on the bodypart, attached to a person or not Works in tandem with the /datum/sprite_accessory datum to generate sprites Unlike normal organs, we're actually inside a persons limbs at all times


bodypart_overlayThe overlay datum that actually draws stuff on the limb
dna_blockWith what DNA block do we mutate in mutate_feature() ? For genetics
external_bodyshapesDoes this organ have any bodyshapes to pass to its bodypart_owner?
external_bodytypesDoes this organ have any bodytypes to pass to its bodypart_owner?
mutantpart_keyThis is for associating an organ with a mutant bodypart. Look at tails for examples
preferenceThe savefile_key of the preference this relates to. Used for the preferences UI.
restyle_flagsWhich flags does a 'modification tool' need to have to restyle us, if it all possible (located in code/_DEFINES/mobs)
sprite_accessory_overrideIf not null, overrides the appearance with this sprite accessory datum
use_mob_sprite_as_obj_spriteSet to EXTERNAL_BEHIND, EXTERNAL_FRONT or EXTERNAL_ADJACENT if you want to draw one of those layers as the object sprite. FALSE to use your own This will not work if it doesn't have a limb to generate its icon with


attempt_feature_restyleRestyles the external organ from a list of valid options
copy_to_mutant_bodypartsCopies the organ's mutantpart_info to the owner's mutant_bodyparts
get_valid_restylesHelper proc to fetch a list of styles a player might want to restyle their features into during the round : returns list("Cabbage" = /datum/sprite_accessory/cabbage)
mutate_featureUpdate our features after something changed our appearance
on_attempt_feature_restyleInvoke async so we dont break signals
simple_change_spriteIf you need to change an external_organ for simple one-offs, use this. Pass the accessory type : /datum/accessory/something
transfer_mutantpart_infoCopies the mob's mutant_bodyparts data to an organ's mutantpart_info for consistency e.g. on organ removal

Var Details


The overlay datum that actually draws stuff on the limb


With what DNA block do we mutate in mutate_feature() ? For genetics


Does this organ have any bodyshapes to pass to its bodypart_owner?


Does this organ have any bodytypes to pass to its bodypart_owner?


This is for associating an organ with a mutant bodypart. Look at tails for examples


The savefile_key of the preference this relates to. Used for the preferences UI.


Which flags does a 'modification tool' need to have to restyle us, if it all possible (located in code/_DEFINES/mobs)


If not null, overrides the appearance with this sprite accessory datum


Set to EXTERNAL_BEHIND, EXTERNAL_FRONT or EXTERNAL_ADJACENT if you want to draw one of those layers as the object sprite. FALSE to use your own This will not work if it doesn't have a limb to generate its icon with

Proc Details


Restyles the external organ from a list of valid options


Copies the organ's mutantpart_info to the owner's mutant_bodyparts


Helper proc to fetch a list of styles a player might want to restyle their features into during the round : returns list("Cabbage" = /datum/sprite_accessory/cabbage)


Update our features after something changed our appearance


Invoke async so we dont break signals


If you need to change an external_organ for simple one-offs, use this. Pass the accessory type : /datum/accessory/something


Copies the mob's mutant_bodyparts data to an organ's mutantpart_info for consistency e.g. on organ removal