/tg/ Station 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details


Tail parent, it doesn't do very much.


original_ownerThe original owner of this tail
tail_spines_overlayThe overlay for tail spines, if any
wag_flagsDoes this tail have a wagging sprite, and is it currently wagging?


is_exposedChecks if the tail is exposed.
remove_tail_spinesIf we have a tail spines overlay, delete it
start_wagWe need some special behaviour for accessories, wrapped here so we can easily add more interactions later Accepts an optional timeout after which we remove the tail wagging Returns false if the wag worked, true otherwise
stop_wagWe need some special behaviour for accessories, wrapped here so we can easily add more interactions later Returns false if the wag stopping worked, true otherwise
try_insert_tail_spinesIf the owner has spines and an appropriate overlay exists, add a tail spines overlay.

Var Details


The original owner of this tail


The overlay for tail spines, if any


Does this tail have a wagging sprite, and is it currently wagging?

Proc Details


Checks if the tail is exposed.


If we have a tail spines overlay, delete it


We need some special behaviour for accessories, wrapped here so we can easily add more interactions later Accepts an optional timeout after which we remove the tail wagging Returns false if the wag worked, true otherwise


We need some special behaviour for accessories, wrapped here so we can easily add more interactions later Returns false if the wag stopping worked, true otherwise


If the owner has spines and an appropriate overlay exists, add a tail spines overlay.