Vars | |
bad_sound | This is the sound that plays if there is an issue going on. |
blood_conversion_rate | The rate of blood to energy |
blood_drain | Is power being drawn through blood |
blood_drain_rate | How fast is blood being drained? |
broken | Is the NIF completely broken? If this is true, the user won't be able to pull up the TGUI menu at all. |
calibrating | Is the NIF currently being calibrated? |
calibration_duration | How far through the calibration process is the NIF? Do not touch this outside of perform_calibration(), if you can at all help it. |
calibration_time | How long does each step in the calibration process take in total? |
chat_icon | What icon does the NIF display in chat when sending out alerts? Icon states are stored in 'modular_skyrat/modules/modular_implants/icons/chat.dmi' |
click_sound | This is the sound that you would hear if you enable if you activate or enable something. |
current_theme | What theme is currently being used on the NIF? |
durability | What level of durability is the NIF at? |
durability_loss_vulnerable | Is the NIF able to take damage? |
good_sound | This is the sound that plays when doing most things! |
is_calibrated | Is the NIF properly calibrated yet? |
linked_mob | What user is currently linked with the NIF? |
loaded_nifsofts | What programs are currently loaded onto the NIF? |
manufacturer_notes | This shows up in the NIF settings screen as a way to ICly display lore. |
max_durability | What is the maximum durability of the NIF? |
max_nifsofts | How many programs can the NIF store at once? |
max_power_level | What is the maximum power level of the NIF? |
minimum_blood_level | When is blood draining disabled? |
minimum_nutrition | What is the minimum nutrition someone has to be at for the NIF to convert power? |
nif_persistence | Does the NIF stay between rounds? By default, they do. |
nutrition_conversion_rate | What is the rate of nutrition to power? |
nutrition_drain | Is power being drawn from nutrition? |
nutrition_drain_rate | How fast is nutrition drained from the host? |
persistent_nifsofts | What programs do we want to carry between rounds? |
power_level | How much power is currently inside of the NIF? |
power_usage | How much power is the NIF currently using? Negative usage will result in power being gained. |
preinstalled_nifsofts | What programs come already installed on the NIF? |
rewards_points | How many rewards points does the NIF currently have? |
side_effect_risk | Determines the likelyhood of a side effect occuring each process cycle: 1 / side_effect_risk |
stored_ckey | What CKEY does the original user have? Used to prevent theft |
theft_protection | Does the NIF have theft protection? This should only be disabled if admins need to fix something. |
ui_themes | Currently Avalible themese for the NIFs |
Procs | |
adjust_durability | Adjusts the NIF based on the adjustment_amount. Positive values repair, negative values damage |
blood_check | Checks if the NIF is able to draw blood as a power source? |
change_power_level | Modifies power based off power_to_change. Negative numbers add charge, positive numbers remove charge |
damage_on_death | Applies damage to the parent NIF whenever the user dies. |
fix_nif | Changes the broken variable to be false. This does not relate to durability. |
install_nifsoft | Installs the loaded_nifsoft to the parent NIF. |
install_preinstalled_nifsofts | Installs preinstalled NIFSofts |
make_vulnerable | Re-enables the durability_loss_vulnerable variable, allowing the parent NIF to take durability damage again. |
nutrition_check | Checks to see if the mob has a nutrition that can be drain from |
perform_calibration | Calibrates the Parent NIF, this is ran every time the parent NIF is first installed inside of someone. |
remove_nifsoft | Removes a NIFSoft from a NIF. Silent - determines whether or not alerts will be given to the owner of the NIF |
remove_rewards_points | Removes rewards points from the parent NIF. Returns FALSE if there are not enough points to remove, returns TRUE if the points have been succesfully removed. |
send_message | Sends a message to the owner of the NIF. Typically used for messages from the NIF itself or from NIFSofts. |
toggle_blood_drain | Toggles Blood Drain. Bypasss - Ignores the need to perform the blood_check proc. |
toggle_nutrition_drain | Toggles nutrition drain as a power source on NIFs on/off. Bypass - Ignores the need to perform the nutirition_check() proc. |
Var Details
This is the sound that plays if there is an issue going on.
The rate of blood to energy
Is power being drawn through blood
How fast is blood being drained?
Is the NIF completely broken? If this is true, the user won't be able to pull up the TGUI menu at all.
Is the NIF currently being calibrated?
How far through the calibration process is the NIF? Do not touch this outside of perform_calibration(), if you can at all help it.
How long does each step in the calibration process take in total?
What icon does the NIF display in chat when sending out alerts? Icon states are stored in 'modular_skyrat/modules/modular_implants/icons/chat.dmi'
This is the sound that you would hear if you enable if you activate or enable something.
What theme is currently being used on the NIF?
What level of durability is the NIF at?
Is the NIF able to take damage?
This is the sound that plays when doing most things!
Is the NIF properly calibrated yet?
What user is currently linked with the NIF?
What programs are currently loaded onto the NIF?
This shows up in the NIF settings screen as a way to ICly display lore.
What is the maximum durability of the NIF?
How many programs can the NIF store at once?
What is the maximum power level of the NIF?
When is blood draining disabled?
What is the minimum nutrition someone has to be at for the NIF to convert power?
Does the NIF stay between rounds? By default, they do.
What is the rate of nutrition to power?
Is power being drawn from nutrition?
How fast is nutrition drained from the host?
What programs do we want to carry between rounds?
How much power is currently inside of the NIF?
How much power is the NIF currently using? Negative usage will result in power being gained.
What programs come already installed on the NIF?
How many rewards points does the NIF currently have?
Determines the likelyhood of a side effect occuring each process cycle: 1 / side_effect_risk
What CKEY does the original user have? Used to prevent theft
Does the NIF have theft protection? This should only be disabled if admins need to fix something.
Currently Avalible themese for the NIFs
Proc Details
Adjusts the NIF based on the adjustment_amount. Positive values repair, negative values damage
Checks if the NIF is able to draw blood as a power source?
Modifies power based off power_to_change. Negative numbers add charge, positive numbers remove charge
Applies damage to the parent NIF whenever the user dies.
Changes the broken variable to be false. This does not relate to durability.
Installs the loaded_nifsoft to the parent NIF.
Installs preinstalled NIFSofts
Re-enables the durability_loss_vulnerable variable, allowing the parent NIF to take durability damage again.
Checks to see if the mob has a nutrition that can be drain from
Calibrates the Parent NIF, this is ran every time the parent NIF is first installed inside of someone.
Removes a NIFSoft from a NIF. Silent - determines whether or not alerts will be given to the owner of the NIF
Removes rewards points from the parent NIF. Returns FALSE if there are not enough points to remove, returns TRUE if the points have been succesfully removed.
Sends a message to the owner of the NIF. Typically used for messages from the NIF itself or from NIFSofts.
Toggles Blood Drain. Bypasss - Ignores the need to perform the blood_check proc.
Toggles nutrition drain as a power source on NIFs on/off. Bypass - Ignores the need to perform the nutirition_check() proc.