Vars | |
absorption_capacity | How much blood flow this stack can absorb if used as a bandage on a cut wound. note that absorption is how much we lower the flow rate, not the raw amount of blood we suck up |
absorption_rate | How quickly we lower the blood flow on a cut wound we're bandaging. Expected lifetime of this bandage in seconds is thus absorption_capacity/absorption_rate, or until the cut heals, whichever comes first |
amount | How much is in this stack? |
burn_cleanliness_bonus | Like splint_factor but for burns instead of bone wounds. This is a multiplier used to speed up burn recoveries |
cost | Related to above. How much energy it costs from storage to use stack items |
full_w_class | The weight class the stack has at amount > 2/3rds max_amount |
has_unique_girder | Does this stack require a unique girder in order to make a wall? |
is_cyborg | If TRUE, this stack is a module used by a cyborg (doesn't run out like normal / etc) |
material_type | Datum material type that this stack is made of |
mats_per_unit | List that tells you how much is in a single unit. |
matter_amount | Amount of matter given back to RCDs |
max_amount | How much is allowed in this stack? |
merge_type | This path and its children should merge with this stack, defaults to src.type |
novariants | Determines whether the item should update its sprites based on amount. |
radial_radius | If use_radial is TRUE, this is the radius of the radial |
recipes | A list to all recipies this stack item can create. |
singular_name | What's the name of just 1 of this stack. You have a stack of leather, but one piece of leather |
source | Related to above. If present, the energy we draw from when using stack items, for cyborgs |
splint_factor | If set and this used as a splint for a broken bone wound, This is used as a multiplier for applicable slowdowns (lower = better) (also for speeding up burn recoveries) |
stairs_type | What typepath stairs do we create from this stack |
tableVariant | What typepath table we create from this stack |
use_radial | If TRUE, we'll use a radial instead when displaying recipes |
Procs | |
add | |
build_recipe | Returns a list of properties of a given recipe |
building_checks | Checks if we can build here, validly. |
can_merge | |
get_gauze_description | Returns the name of ourself when used in a "owner is [usage_prefix] by [name]" examine_more situation |
get_gauze_usage_prefix | Returns the usage prefix of ourself when used in a "owner is [usage_prefix] by [name]" examine_more situation |
is_valid_recipe | Checks if the recipe is valid to be used |
is_zero_amount | Returns TRUE if the item stack is the equivalent of a 0 amount item. |
make_item | Makes the item with the given recipe. |
merge | Merges as much of src into target_stack as possible. If present, the limit arg overrides target_stack.max_amount for transfer. |
merge_without_del | Merges as much of src into target_stack as possible. If present, the limit arg overrides target_stack.max_amount for transfer. |
on_item_crafted | Run special logic on created items after they've been successfully crafted. |
on_movable_entered_occupied_turf | Signal handler for connect_loc element. Called when a movable enters the turf we're currently occupying. Merges if possible. |
radial_check | Used as a callback for radial building. |
recursively_build_recipes | Builds all recipes in a given recipe list and returns an association list containing them |
set_custom_materials | Override to make things like metalgen accurately set custom materials |
set_mats_per_unit | |
show_construction_radial | Shows a radial consisting of every radial recipe we have in our list. |
split_stack | |
update_custom_materials | Updates the custom materials list of this stack. |
Var Details
How much blood flow this stack can absorb if used as a bandage on a cut wound. note that absorption is how much we lower the flow rate, not the raw amount of blood we suck up
How quickly we lower the blood flow on a cut wound we're bandaging. Expected lifetime of this bandage in seconds is thus absorption_capacity/absorption_rate, or until the cut heals, whichever comes first
How much is in this stack?
Like splint_factor but for burns instead of bone wounds. This is a multiplier used to speed up burn recoveries
Related to above. How much energy it costs from storage to use stack items
The weight class the stack has at amount > 2/3rds max_amount
Does this stack require a unique girder in order to make a wall?
If TRUE, this stack is a module used by a cyborg (doesn't run out like normal / etc)
Datum material type that this stack is made of
List that tells you how much is in a single unit.
Amount of matter given back to RCDs
How much is allowed in this stack?
This path and its children should merge with this stack, defaults to src.type
Determines whether the item should update its sprites based on amount.
If use_radial is TRUE, this is the radius of the radial
A list to all recipies this stack item can create.
What's the name of just 1 of this stack. You have a stack of leather, but one piece of leather
Related to above. If present, the energy we draw from when using stack items, for cyborgs
If set and this used as a splint for a broken bone wound, This is used as a multiplier for applicable slowdowns (lower = better) (also for speeding up burn recoveries)
What typepath stairs do we create from this stack
What typepath table we create from this stack
If TRUE, we'll use a radial instead when displaying recipes
Proc Details
Adds some number of units to this stack.
- _amount: The number of units to add to this stack.
Returns a list of properties of a given recipe
- R - The stack recipe we are using to get a list of properties
Checks if we can build here, validly.
Checks whether this stack can merge itself into another stack.
- check: The stack to check for mergeability.
- [inhand][boolean]: Whether or not the stack to check should act like it's in a mob's hand.
Returns the name of ourself when used in a "owner is [usage_prefix] by [name]" examine_more situation
Returns the usage prefix of ourself when used in a "owner is [usage_prefix] by [name]" examine_more situation
Checks if the recipe is valid to be used
- R - The stack recipe we are checking if it is valid
- recipe_list - The list of recipes we are using to check the given recipe
Returns TRUE if the item stack is the equivalent of a 0 amount item.
Also deletes the item if delete_if_zero is TRUE and the stack does not have is_cyborg set to true.
Makes the item with the given recipe.
Merges as much of src into target_stack as possible. If present, the limit arg overrides target_stack.max_amount for transfer.
This proc deletes src if the remaining amount after the transfer is 0.
Merges as much of src into target_stack as possible. If present, the limit arg overrides target_stack.max_amount for transfer.
This calls use() without check = FALSE, preventing the item from qdeling itself if it reaches 0 stack size.
As a result, this proc can leave behind a 0 amount stack.
Run special logic on created items after they've been successfully crafted.
Signal handler for connect_loc element. Called when a movable enters the turf we're currently occupying. Merges if possible.
Used as a callback for radial building.
Builds all recipes in a given recipe list and returns an association list containing them
- recipe_to_iterate - The list of recipes we are using to build recipes
Override to make things like metalgen accurately set custom materials
Sets the amount of materials per unit for this stack.
- mats: The value to set the mats per unit to.
- multiplier: The amount to multiply the mats per unit by. Defaults to 1.
Shows a radial consisting of every radial recipe we have in our list.
Splits the stack into two stacks.
- user: The mob splitting the stack.
- amount: The number of units to split from this stack.
Updates the custom materials list of this stack.