Vars | |
allowing_grab_on_constricted | If we're currently allowing constricted to be grabbed. Only briefly true, during set_constricted. |
applied_x_shift | The pixel shift we have applied to constricted. Is null if constricted is null. Used to unapply it. |
brute_per_second | The amount of brute damage we will do per second to constricted if we are crushing. |
chance_to_cause_wound | How likely are we, per second, to cause a blunt wound on constricted if we are crushing? |
chance_to_losebreath | Chance, per second, of us causing losebreath for a constricted target we are crushing. |
constricted | The mob we are currently constricting, usually coincides with what we have buckled to us. Nullable. |
currently_crushing | Are we currently crushing constricted? |
escape_cooldown | Used for escaping the tail, separate from grab cooldowns. |
losebreath_to_cause | Assuming we proc chance_to_losebreath, this is the losebreath we will inflict on our target. |
owner | The mob we are originating from. |
stored_damage | If we try to do crush damage and total below 5 (the minimum wounding amount), we store it here for next time. |
tail_overlay | The overlay for our coiled tail. |
Procs | |
add_tail_overlay | If we have no tail overlay, creates a new one and sets it up. |
apply_pixel_shift | Applies our pixel shift to our constricted. Do not call if we have already applied our pixel shift. |
constricted_examined | Signal proc for constricted being examined. Appends a string warning the viewer of them being crushed. |
constricted_moved | Signal proc for if constricted moves. If the new loc isnt our loc, we stop constricting them. Used for teleportation escapes. |
constricted_qdeleting | Signal proc for constricted qdeleting. Sets constricted to null. |
constricted_tried_pull | Signal proc that prevents constricted from grabbing owner. |
get_constriction_pixel_x_shift | Returns the x shift for anything we constrict. |
get_scale_change_mult | Returns the scale, compared to default, our owner has. |
owner_body_position_changed | Signal proc for if our owner changes body positions. Qdels src if they lie down. |
owner_moved | Signal proc for when owner moves. Qdels src. |
owner_tried_grab | Signal proc for owner grabbing someone, separate from pulling. Forbids them from upgrading grabs on constricted. |
owner_tried_pull | Signal proc for owner pulling someone. Forbids them from pulling constricted. |
register_constricted | Registers signals to constricted. |
restrain_constricted | Buckles constricted to ourselves, and migrates the current grab constricted may have on them. |
set_constricted | Setter proc for constricted. Handles signals, pixel shifting, status effects, etc. |
set_owner | Setter proc for owner that handles signals, bodyparts, etc. |
squeeze_constricted | Attempts to squeeze constricted with ourselves, dealing blunt brute damage to them based on the damage arg. |
start_crushing | Setter proc for currently_crushing that handles processing and warnings. |
stop_crushing | Setter proc for currently_crushing that handles processing and warnings. |
sync_direction | Syncs our dir with our owner. Fails to sync if we have a constricted mob and we move in a way that would spin them around. |
sync_sprite | Syncs our colors, size, sprite, etc. with owner. |
toggle_crushing | Toggle proc for crushing. See stop_crushing and start_crushing. |
unapply_pixel_shift | Unapplies our pixel shift to our constricted. Do not call if we have not applied our pixel shift. |
unregister_constricted | Unregisters signals to constricted. |
Var Details
If we're currently allowing constricted to be grabbed. Only briefly true, during set_constricted.
The pixel shift we have applied to constricted. Is null if constricted is null. Used to unapply it.
The amount of brute damage we will do per second to constricted if we are crushing.
How likely are we, per second, to cause a blunt wound on constricted if we are crushing?
Chance, per second, of us causing losebreath for a constricted target we are crushing.
The mob we are currently constricting, usually coincides with what we have buckled to us. Nullable.
Are we currently crushing constricted?
Used for escaping the tail, separate from grab cooldowns.
Assuming we proc chance_to_losebreath, this is the losebreath we will inflict on our target.
The mob we are originating from.
If we try to do crush damage and total below 5 (the minimum wounding amount), we store it here for next time.
The overlay for our coiled tail.
Proc Details
If we have no tail overlay, creates a new one and sets it up.
Applies our pixel shift to our constricted. Do not call if we have already applied our pixel shift.
Signal proc for constricted being examined. Appends a string warning the viewer of them being crushed.
Signal proc for if constricted moves. If the new loc isnt our loc, we stop constricting them. Used for teleportation escapes.
Signal proc for constricted qdeleting. Sets constricted to null.
Signal proc that prevents constricted from grabbing owner.
Returns the x shift for anything we constrict.
Returns the scale, compared to default, our owner has.
Signal proc for if our owner changes body positions. Qdels src if they lie down.
Signal proc for when owner moves. Qdels src.
Signal proc for owner grabbing someone, separate from pulling. Forbids them from upgrading grabs on constricted.
Signal proc for owner pulling someone. Forbids them from pulling constricted.
Registers signals to constricted.
Buckles constricted to ourselves, and migrates the current grab constricted may have on them.
Setter proc for constricted. Handles signals, pixel shifting, status effects, etc.
Setter proc for owner that handles signals, bodyparts, etc.
Attempts to squeeze constricted with ourselves, dealing blunt brute damage to them based on the damage arg.
- damage: Float - The numerical damage to apply, with MELEE armor flag and BLUNT wounding type.
- force_wound: Boolean - If we should force a wound to be applied to constricted.
- FALSE if we aborted trying to inflict damage, TRUE otherwise.
Setter proc for currently_crushing that handles processing and warnings.
Setter proc for currently_crushing that handles processing and warnings.
Syncs our dir with our owner. Fails to sync if we have a constricted mob and we move in a way that would spin them around.
Syncs our colors, size, sprite, etc. with owner.
Toggle proc for crushing. See stop_crushing and start_crushing.
Unapplies our pixel shift to our constricted. Do not call if we have not applied our pixel shift.
Unregisters signals to constricted.