/tg/ Station 13 - Modules - TypesProc Details



chill_outUsed to numb a patient and apply stasis to them if enabled.
mark_patientAny mob that enters our tile will be marked as a potential patient. They will be turned into a patient if they lie down.
post_buckle_mobAlign the mob with the table when buckled.
post_unbuckle_mobDisalign the mob with the table when unbuckled.
recheck_patientSomeone on our tile just lied down, got up, moved in, or moved out. potential_patient is the mob that had one of those four things change. The check is a bit broad so we can find a replacement patient.
thaw_themUsed to remove the effects of stasis and numbing when a patient is unbuckled
unmark_patientUnmark the potential patient.

Proc Details


Used to numb a patient and apply stasis to them if enabled.


Any mob that enters our tile will be marked as a potential patient. They will be turned into a patient if they lie down.


Align the mob with the table when buckled.


Disalign the mob with the table when unbuckled.


Someone on our tile just lied down, got up, moved in, or moved out. potential_patient is the mob that had one of those four things change. The check is a bit broad so we can find a replacement patient.


Used to remove the effects of stasis and numbing when a patient is unbuckled


Unmark the potential patient.