/tg/ Station 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details



bloodiedIf some inconsiderate jerk has had their blood spilled on this window, thus making it cleanable
dramatically_disappearingWhether or not we're disappearing but dramatically
glass_material_datumDatum that the shard and debris type is pulled from for when the glass is broken.
polarizer_id_on_spawnA variable for mappers to make the window start polarized, with a specific id linked, for the polarization controller to link to. Mapping stuff. Should usually be a string, so it doesn't get confused with what players can make the id on the controller be. HAS NO EFFECT AFTER THE WINDOW HAS BEEN THROUGH Initialize()!!!


spawn_debrisSpawns shard and debris decal based on the glass_material_datum, spawns rods if window is reinforned and number of shards/rods is determined by the window being fulltile or not.

Var Details


If some inconsiderate jerk has had their blood spilled on this window, thus making it cleanable


Whether or not we're disappearing but dramatically


Datum that the shard and debris type is pulled from for when the glass is broken.


A variable for mappers to make the window start polarized, with a specific id linked, for the polarization controller to link to. Mapping stuff. Should usually be a string, so it doesn't get confused with what players can make the id on the controller be. HAS NO EFFECT AFTER THE WINDOW HAS BEEN THROUGH Initialize()!!!

Proc Details


Spawns shard and debris decal based on the glass_material_datum, spawns rods if window is reinforned and number of shards/rods is determined by the window being fulltile or not.